Not only does he get the wrong dish, he ends up in the hospital due to an attack by the restaurateur who won't take criticism: a 72-year-old German customer suffers the wrath of a chef in Ibiza.
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With "touchy"-to be politically correct-"and with a temper to say the least, fuming" one could well describe the character of the chef who a few days ago got arrested in Ibiza for assaulting a diner, while he was eating dinner in his restaurant in Sant'Eulària. What triggered the chef's rage (InfoBae reports) was the complaint of a 72-year-old German patron, who once having had the course delivered pointed out to the staff that he had received the wrong dish, as well as pointing out the poor quality of the dish in terms of raw materials and processing.

It's every man for himself! As soon as the 37-year-old cook heard such complaints, he rushed to the unfortunate man's table shouting and cursing, and then pushed him violently enough to knock him to the floor. In falling, the tourist hit the back of the chair and slammed his back and the back of his head. Not satisfied, while the man was lying on the floor, the cook continued screaming, hurling and breaking the plate with furious gestures right next to the diner. Inevitably rescued and escorted out by his friends, the customer left the restaurant and went to the nearest emergency room, where he was found to have minor bruises.

The following days, however, the man could not recover and was, therefore, transferred to Son Espases Hospital in Palma, where he underwent surgery (given the two blood clots in his chest noted during the examinations). Given the serious developments in the case, the cook was arrested by the Guard Civil for allegedly committing grievous bodily harm. Extreme and unacceptable violence, which should not be an ingredient in any kitchen.