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In Barcelona, the Hotelier Who Only Hires Waiters Over 50: Here's Why

Francesca Feresin
Copertina kim diaz

Kim Díaz, owner of five hospitality establishments in the Catalan capital, chooses to reward the vocation, professionalism, and experience of those over 50. 

The news 

A hotelier is causing a stir in Barcelona, sparking contrasting opinions in the local media: Kim Diaz, the owner of five hospitality establishments in the city with 20 years of experience in the industry, has announced that he is looking for staff for one of his restaurants - and so far, nothing unusual. However, he has a very specific requirement: the workers must be 50 years or older, as reported by elespanol.

kim diaz entrepanes diaz
Kim Dìaz

As the saying goes, "Said and done": interviews took place on October 18 in front of Monterols de Sant Gervasi square, and the selected candidates will work in a new Italian classic cuisine restaurant that will open in a month and a half, named "Enrichietto." "Gray hair, wrinkles, and few stories on Instagram are already promising, but, above all, these aspiring waiters have vocation, professionalism, and experience - values I have always believed in the hospitality industry," said Diaz.

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A restaurant waiter 
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Kim Dìaz

This is not the first time the hotelier has required such qualifications (and apparently, the strategy works, as even Robert De Niro has dined several times in one of his bars). In 2015, Diaz offered eight jobs to waiters of a certain age in the Entrepans Díaz branch, a place known for its gourmet take on popular dishes, like squid-filled sandwiches, slow-cooked stews, and Russian salad. "It's very sad that such capable people are often dismissed simply because they're considered too old for these positions," he explained.

kim diaz e robert de niro
Il proprietario con Robert De Niro

The hotelier emphasizes that in the restaurant industry, "experience and seniority are like a degree. The difficult part was having only eight employees and not being able to offer more positions because there were many qualified candidates."

Photos from Restaurant Facebook Page

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