Alice Delcourt

Angoulême - Francia

alice delcourt

Alice Delcourt has transformed Milan’s Erba Brusca into a symbol of her commitment to sustainability and seasonality. Half French, half British, Alice has melded her love for Italian cooking with a green philosophy, creating a model of responsible and ethical gastronomy.


Born in Angoulême to a Franco-English family, Alice Delcourt learned the culinary arts from a young age, inspired by her British grandmother's traditional recipes. Her passion for cooking intertwined with studies in Political Science in the United States and Italy, but the allure of the kitchen definitively marked her career path.

After her studies, Alice honed her culinary skills at London's River Café, an experience that taught her the importance of valuing every ingredient while respecting the seasonal cycle. She continued her training in several prestigious eateries in Milan, such as Liberty and Viviana Varese's restaurant, Alice, where she refined her technique in fish preparation and developed an instinctive and innovative cooking style.

In 2011, together with Cesare Battisti and Danilo Ingannamorte, she opened Erba Brusca, realizing her dream of a sustainable restaurant complete with its own garden. Here, Alice fully expressed her vision: ultra-fresh ingredients, many grown directly at the restaurant or supplied by small local producers, transformed into dishes that celebrate biodiversity and seasonality. Delcourt's commitment to ethical cooking is reflected not just in her choice of ingredients, but also in minimizing storage, favoring products that go straight from the garden to the plate.

This practice guarantees freshness and quality while also helping the environment by reducing the restaurant's ecological footprint. Thanks to her vision, Alice Delcourt and Erba Brusca have earned numerous accolades in the Milanese and international culinary scene. Their approach has inspired many other chefs to introduce sustainable practices into their kitchens, helping to spread a model of environmentally respectful gastronomy.

Alice Delcourt is a true innovator in the field of sustainable gastronomy. Her work at Erba Brusca is a shining example of how a passion for cooking can go hand in hand with respect for nature, offering dishes that are both a tribute to the earth and an invitation to a more sustainable future.


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