MICHELIN Guide Awards

Michelin Guide lands in Texas: the State invests $270,000

Alessandra Meldolesi
copertina Michelin guide texas

The Michelin Guide is spreading to all continents, of which it sometimes covers only certain nations and even certain specific cities. Now it is the turn of Texas, which has announced its first dedicated edition, obtained, however, at great cost.

Crediti: guide.michelin.com

The news

The Michelin star, it is known, is every chef's dream. Often, however, merit is not enough: in much part of the world fine dining has anticipated Michelin and thrives without asking anyone's permission. Then it can happen that the Guide runs for cover, especially if someone takes steps to make it happen. Such is the case of Texas, the American state that has just announced its first dedicated edition. Who knows what taxpayers will think of it, given that it will cost $270,000, divided into three annual tranches drawn from the budget of the Houston Department of Tourism, which is intent on cutting other expenses.

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"Budgets have some fluidity if the right opportunities present themselves, and in the case of Michelin, Top Chef and James Beard we will seize them," Holly Clapham-Rosenow, who heads the institution's marketing, told Eater. Under the spotlight in addition to Houston will be the cities of Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth and San Antonio, between which collaboration has been intense before hitting the mark. Indeed, the Ceo of Visit Dallas stated that all cities attending will match $90,000 per year, with the state tourism office called upon to cover half of the expenses. It is not known, however, how exactly these funds will be used.

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This is certainly nothing new for the world's top guidebook. As Robb Report reports, already in 2019 California had shelled out $600,000 for its entire territory to be covered, Florida for its part invested $150,000 to be visited and Colorado $100,000 a year for three years, plus between $70,000 and $100,000 donated by private individuals.

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For its part, Michelin clarifies that new editions are authorized only when certain quality standards are hit. As one of its official representatives stated, "Travel Texas is collaborating with Michelin in marketing and promotion. The agreement makes possible synergistic work aimed at promoting local gastronomic offerings. But it would not have been possible without the quality of the state's culinary scene. The entire credit for this exciting project goes to the talent of the Texas restaurant teams who personify culinary innovation. Without them, and without their extraordinary work, it would have been impossible for the Michelin guide to harbor the ambition of offering an initial selection of Texas restaurants in 2024."

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