Chef Recipes

Alain Ducasse's world's best chocolate mousse: how to make it in 20 minutes

Lucia Facchini
copertina mousse al cioccolato alain ducasse 1500 px Pierre monetta

Few ingredients and 20 minutes of making for a stunning dessert. Mousse becomes a new classic with Alain Ducasse.

Photos of the chef and dessert by Pierre Monetta

Recipe from the book Bistro: Classic French Comfort Food (Alain Ducasse, Rizzoli Editions)-


It is among the quick and enveloping desserts ever: chocolate mousse knows no variation in textures, but gives the instant pampering of creaminess. All without weighing it down, because of the incorporated air. The French spoon dessert is prepared in just 20 minutes in the version by Alain Ducasse, who over the years has often offered it at his Parisian bistros (Allard, Aux Lyonnais and Benoît), later making it known to the public through the book Classic French Comfort Food. Now it's your turn: replicate it and tell us if it's not goodness!

dorchester alain ducasse

The recipe

15 minutes preparation and 5 minutes cooking time

4 servings



  • 250 g dark chocolate (70% cocoa)
  • 125 g (1 stick plus 1 tablespoon) unsalted butter
  • 60 g egg yolks (about 3-4 large)
  • 300 g egg whites (about 10 large)
  • 65 g of sugar

Finely chop the chocolate and melt it in a bagnomaria together with the butter. When melted, remove from heat and add the egg yolks one at a time, beating until smooth. In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites until soft, then gradually add the sugar and beat until stiff. Incorporate the beaten egg whites into the chocolate mixture. Transfer the mousse to a large bowl or individual molds and chill for 5 hours.


  • 50 g dark chocolate (70% cocoa).

Cut out chips by scraping the chocolate with a knife or peeler. Take the mousse out of the refrigerator an hour before serving and sprinkle it with the chocolate chips.

Recommended wine: a sweet red wine from the Rhone, such as a Rasteau.

Alain Ducasse Chocolate Mousse Pierre Monetta2

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