
Restaurant Day 2024: ALMA Celebrates the Hospitality of Italian Cuisine

Chiara Marando
copertina giornata ristorazione alma

Once again, ALMA, the International School of Italian Cuisine, hosted the preview launch of the second edition of Restaurant Day, along with its over 100 students.

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"The art of conviviality, of living together," the pleasure of sharing, dialoguing, and safeguarding the gastronomic heritage that represents Italy worldwide: on May 18th, the second edition of Restaurant Day took place, a celebration that continues its mission to enhance the culture of hospitality, the philosophy upon which the world of dining is founded. Over 8,500 restaurants in Italy and around the world participated with special dishes on their menus, spreading the spirit of this occasion.

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A popular, inclusive, supportive, and profoundly ethical initiative, of which its launch began from what has become, over 20 years of activity, a pivotal center for education in the restaurant industry and for engaging with its new generations: ALMA, the International School of Italian Cuisine. The event was inaugurated by Roberto Calugi, General Director of Fipe, Antonio Santini, Vice President of Fipe-Confcommercio and patron of Ristorante Dal Pescatore in Canneto sull’Oglio, Davide Rampello, Creative Director of Rampello & Partners, and Matteo Berti, Educational Director of ALMA.

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Without forgetting that, on May 16th, in the Sala della Regina at Palazzo Montecitorio in Rome, an important bill was presented to the Chamber of Deputies. This proposal was promoted by numerous members of the government majority and supported by key industry figures, associations, cultural leaders, interested media, and a prestigious educational institution like ALMA. The goal? To officially establish Restaurant Day within the Italian calendar, ensuring that the restaurant sector receives the appropriate attention from government bodies.

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But let's return to the event held on May 18th: two symbolic ingredients for the 2024 edition were flour and tomatoes, fundamental elements in many of our traditional recipes, sometimes primal and connected to the land and tradition. To showcase these ingredients, both in sweet and savory forms, ALMA’s teachers and assistants created a rich journey of flavors and textures to highlight every possible variation. As with the first edition, this year's Restaurant Day centered around a key theme: "From the field to the restaurant: the value of a chain of excellence." This theme emphasized the value of the supply chain that underpins the restaurant industry, a structured and controlled system that annually provides the sector with over 21 billion euros worth of agri-food products.

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"The theme of supply chains is receiving more attention today than in the past, but it’s still not enough. More can be done in the industrial, restaurant, and regulatory fields," highlights Alberto Figna, President of ALMA. It is precisely as an extension and completion of this chain of excellence that the theme of training for the Hospitality sector, of which ALMA is a global reference point, is introduced. It’s no coincidence that this School is, for the second time, a place for sharing the message of Restaurant Day, serving as an Italian example with international reach of how the values and art of conviviality find in education the catalysts for the soul and passion that have always ennobled this sector.

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"ALMA is at the heart of the restaurant industry and its professionals, but above all, its mission is to train ambassadors and to bring the Italian way of good living to the world through food and dining, which are a very significant part of this sector," emphasizes Alberto Figna. Actively participating in this second edition of Restaurant Day, as we did for the first, is a commitment for ALMA that embodies and expresses the values our School upholds every day. Quality and excellence are key principles that must be maintained both in production and in the dissemination of our ability to generate Italian excellence, through the recognition of the valuable work of the entire entrepreneurial and restaurant sector."

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Restaurant Day was conceived by FIPE – Federazione Italiana Pubblici Esercizi, with the creative and artistic direction of Rampello & Partners, and under the patronage of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry, and the Ministry of Tourism. Further certifying its high significance is the awarding of the Medal of the President of the Republic.

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