Gastronomy News Sustainabilty

Bill Gates: "Yes to synthetic meat! It's our responsibility to protect the planet."

Alessandra Meldolesi
copertina bill gates carne coltivata

The greenhouse effect? It's fought at the dinner table. Bill Gates is convinced of this, as he continues to support startups involved in synthetic meat production, which he believes is the real challenge in the fight against climate change.

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There is no more debated topic than climate change, from regulations on green homes to carbon capture. Yet, according to Bill Gates, most people are not aware of the crucial role played by diet: among the factors that have the greatest impact are the emissions from agriculture, specifically livestock farming. "This is the real challenge," he says emphatically.


As reported by CNBC, the philanthropic billionaire has discussed this matter with musician Ahmir "Questlove" Thompson, who has been involved in developing a plant-based cheeseburger, favored by Barack Obama. "I am convinced that plant-based is the future, and I want to be the one planting these seeds."

BillGates TED Marla Aufmuth
@TED-Marla Aufmuth

Gates, for his part, highlighted the contribution of innovations like these to the climate cause. Agricultural emissions account for about 25% of the total, mostly coming from livestock and the use of fertilizers. "In fact, if livestock were a country, it would be the third-largest emitter in the world." Those who want to contribute to the sustainability revolution should, therefore, make concrete efforts, switch to electric mobility, and prioritize synthetic meat. Advanced nations should even consider shifting towards exclusive consumption of lab-grown beef.

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"You can get used to the different taste, which is also improving." Thanks to ongoing innovations, the price is expected to drop, making the product more accessible and popular. That's why Bill Gates and his foundation continue to finance startups like Impossible, Beyond Meat, and Upside Foods. "They are doing well, although many people expect them to improve further. The course is good, and I am optimistic."

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