Andrea Besuschio

Abbiategrasso - Italy

cover bio Andrea Besuschio1

Andrea Besuschio is a renowned pastry chef who represents the fifth generation of the historic Pasticceria Besuschio, founded in 1845 in Abbiategrasso, near Milan.

Andrea Besuschio studied accounting and joined the family business at the age of 21, working in sales. After seven years, however, he felt the call of the laboratory and decided to devote himself entirely to the art of confectionery, working alongside his father.

To perfect his skills, he studied under internationally renowned masters such as Pascal Brunstein, Frédéric Bau and Yann Duytsche at the École du Grand Chocolat in Tain l'Hermitage. This training allowed him to develop a deep knowledge of chocolate, which became one of his main passions and specializations.

Today, he is recognized as a complete professional, capable of constantly renewing himself through daily study, research and experimentation. In addition to the great classics that have made the history of the Pasticceria Besuschio, such as Saint Honoré and Tiramisu, Andrea offers innovative creations that reflect his continuous artistic evolution.

Besuschio Pastry Shop, awarded "Tre Torte" by Gambero Rosso Italy Pastry Shop Guide, is famous for a variety of specialties, including the "Porphyry", a dark chocolate plum cake with roasted cocoa beans, the traditional "Pan Meino" to be eaten with cream, and the "Pagnotta di Fraà" with cornmeal, honey and figs. A special mention goes to the "Besuschino", a coffee cream with milk foam, accompanied by a teaspoon of dark chocolate, created by Andrea himself.

His success is the result of a balance between respect for tradition and the desire to change, values that he has passed on to his sons, Giacomo and Anselmo, who now actively collaborate with him. 


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