Emanuele Scarello

Udine - Friuli Venezia Giulia

Emanuele Scarello

Emanuele Scarello,  the driving force behind the restaurant Agli Amici, is an ambassador of Friulian cuisine, famed for his refined and creative approach.


Emanuele Scarello was born in Udine in 1970 into a family with a long gastronomic tradition. His parents ran the restaurant Agli Amici since 1887, and from an early age, Emanuele was immersed in the world of dining. His passion for cooking was transmitted by his mother Ivonne, who taught him the importance of authentic flavors and quality ingredients.

After completing his hotel management studies, Scarello professionally trained at some of the most renowned restaurants in Italy and abroad. He worked closely with great chefs such as Gualtiero Marchesi and Gianfranco Vissani, honing his culinary techniques and acquiring a deep knowledge of international cuisine. This experience allowed him to develop a personal style that combines elegance with the essence of Friulian cuisine.

In 1994, Emanuele and his sister Michela took over the family restaurant, Agli Amici, located in Godia, a small fraction of Udine. Under their leadership, the restaurant earned significant accolades, including two Michelin stars and the prestigious entry in the "Le Soste" guide of the best Italian restaurants. The success of Agli Amici is the result of a continuous pursuit of excellence, where every detail is managed with passion and dedication.

Scarello's cuisine is a sensory journey through Friuli, a region rich in history and culinary traditions. His dishes are celebrated for their creativity and the skillful use of local ingredients. 

Emanuele is a fervent supporter of sustainability and the enhancement of local products. He collaborates with small local producers to ensure fresh and high-quality ingredients, promoting a model of responsible and environmentally respectful cuisine. His commitment extends beyond the kitchen, involving also educational initiatives and charity projects.

Scarello is a leading figure in the Italian gastronomic panorama, recognized for his ability to reinterpret Friulian cuisine with elegance and creativity. His philosophy is based on the balance between respect for culinary roots and openness to new techniques and ideas, creating a unique and memorable culinary experience for his guests.


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