Toño Pérez

Casar de Cáceres - Spain

Tono Perez

Discover the creative universe of Toño Pérez, the visionary chef behind the success of Atrio in Cáceres, a UNESCO World Heritage city. With three Michelin stars, Pérez has transformed Atrio into a symbol of culinary excellence, merging art and gastronomy into an unforgettable experience.


Born in 1961 in Casar de Cáceres, Toño Pérez began his culinary journey in his parents' kitchens, a setting rich in local gastronomic traditions. After studying Fine Arts, he decided to fully dedicate himself to cuisine, a field where he could express his artistic creativity through flavors (MICHELIN Guide).

In 1986, Pérez and his lifelong friend, José Polo, inaugurated the restaurant Atrio in the historic heart of Cáceres. Pérez’s training includes significant experiences with masters like Juan Mari Arzak and internships at prestigious restaurants such as Jockey in Madrid, Jean Pierre Bruneau in Brussels, and elBulli.

These experiences allowed him to refine a mastery that blends innovation with respect for local Extremaduran products, creating a distinctive cuisine that celebrates the region's excellences (MICHELIN Guide). Respect for local products is at the heart of Atrio's philosophy. Pérez commits to supporting local artisans and valuing indigenous ingredients, transforming them into dishes that narrate the history and culture of Extremadura.

This approach has not only elevated the restaurant's reputation but has also helped to strengthen the local economy by supporting the region’s agriculture and craftsmanship. Toño Pérez is more than a chef; he is a guardian of culinary traditions and an innovator who has transformed Atrio into a global gastronomic landmark. His ability to harmoniously integrate art and gastronomy makes him a prominent figure in the world culinary scene.


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