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Bolzano, Hackhofer Bakery introduces free Saturday: “More freedom in the industry.”

Elisa Erriu
copertina hackhofer

More rest for Hackhofer Bakery bakers: "We want to set an example: flexible and human work models are possible in the skilled trades, as well as in other industries."

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In the heart of South Tyrol, the Hackhofer bakery in Soprabolzano, with six outlets in the provincial capital of Bolzano, has introduced a novelty that is as simple as it is revolutionary: Saturdays off for its employees, both in the stores and in the production workshops. A gesture that, in its apparent simplicity, aims not only to improve the quality of bakers' working lives, but also to send a strong message to the working world.We want to set an example,” says Andreas Hackhofer, owner of the company, as reported by the news site Ansa. The intent is clear: to show that even in more traditional trades it is possible to adopt flexible and sustainable working models.

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The decision was not taken lightly; in fact, it was initially tested as a test project during the summer months, during which customer reaction was all to be discovered. In a context like the bakery industry, where Saturdays are historically a crucial day for sales, choosing to close might have seemed like a gamble. However, the response was surprisingly positive: “Our customers showed great respect for our decision,”, explains Hackhofer, visibly pleased. The courage to try something new has paid off, so much so that the choice to keep Saturday free is now final.

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This move is part of a larger picture of changes in the world of work, where more and more companies are recognizing the importance of their employees' well-being. Hackhofer knows this well and explains that his goal is to create a work environment that not only meets the individual needs of his employees, but is also in line with social changes. Working in the baking industry is physically demanding, and Hackhofer recognizes that reducing the pressure and giving more room for rest is key to keeping the industry attractive to young people. In an age when finding skilled labor is increasingly difficult, especially in artisanal trades like baking, creating more humane working conditions is a necessity, not just an option.

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This decision could, in fact, have a significant impact on recruiting new staff. "Facilitating the recruitment of young bakers ” is one of the stated goals, and offering a work week that includes Saturdays off could prove to be a strong incentive for the younger generation, seeking a balance between personal and professional life. In an industry where work shifts are often long and burdensome, Hackhofer is trying to chart a different course, demonstrating that flexibility is not just the preserve of offices or the digital world, but can also be applied in craft trades. The success of this initiative also reflects a change in mindset among consumers. While it is undeniable that Saturdays are one of the most important days for selling bread and baked goods, customers have shown that they understand the importance of worker well-being. In an increasingly fast-moving world, perhaps the idea of a Saturday off for the baker becomes a symbol of a newfound slowness and quality, not only in work but also in life.

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The positive feedback received from customers has swept away any uncertainty. In an economic landscape where leisure time is often sacrificed on the altar of productivity, the Bolzano bakery stands as a virtuous example, demonstrating that change is possible even in traditional trades. Hackhofer himself concludes with a thought that touches the heart of his business philosophy: “Reducing pressure at work is a step toward a fairer and healthier environment, which benefits everyone in the long run.” Hackhofer's experiment could thus become a model for other artisanal businesses in Italy and abroad to follow. The question is, how many other businesses will have the courage to follow suit?


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