Where to Eat Around the World Italian Abroad

Don Angie, Here Are the Best Lasagnas in New York: The Couple Selling 30 pounds in 24 Hours

Serena Curto
copertina don angie

New York's Most Desired Lasagnas: Don Angie's Rotating Pasta is one of the most viral dishes on TikTok and has literally conquered the Big Apple.

Photo from restaurant's webiste

The story 

We're in New York, and Scott Tacinelli and his wife Angie Rito own one of the city's most famous Italian spots (also on TikTok). Customers from around the world line up outside the restaurant every day to try Don Angie's lasagnas. The now iconic "pasta whirls" from the New York restaurant, offered in a portion for two at $68. have truly won everyone over, considering the care and authenticity put into their preparation. In a recent video for Eater's "Mise en Place" series, the couple, Scott Tacinelli and Angie Rito, shared exclusive content directly from the kitchen of the famous Italian spot, now also TikTok stars.

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Despite the famous lasagnas being sold more than hundreds a day on the weekend (roughly around 30 pounds per day, according to Eater), the family recipe remains a secret: "We almost didn’t put the lasagna on the menu, and now it's the dish everyone comes to the restaurant for," Tacinelli told Eater. But how are Don Angie's lasagnas prepared (a name even mentioned in the Michelin Guide)?

don angie ny lasagne rolls

First, each pasta sheet is individually boiled and blanched in salted ice water (a process that takes up to two hours), then it's layered with plenty of cheese, béchamel, and sausage for a perfect Italian seasoning. Once the stacks are rolled into "logs," the whirls are cut and arranged on a plate, where a delicious San Marzano tomato sauce is first placed. In the oven, as we well know, the cooking time is relatively quick, and the dish is ready when each whirl has a delicious crispy crust.

don angie ny lasagne preparazione
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Obviously, at Don Angie, you can order lasagnas but also other intriguing signatures like the chrysanthemum salad. This dish, which requires up to about 100 kilograms of vegetables per week, is embellished with a generous dose of Parmesan: "It looks like big snowflakes falling on our salad," says Tacinelli. Upon further thought, the amount of cheese used is so much that three of the chefs in the kitchen decided to tattoo the phrase "Parm Arm," to honor all the work they do for all that shaved cheese.

don angie cucina

"We often joke that this is like a cheese restaurant. The amount of dairy we consume is impressive! Our food is good, unique, and surprising, but we don't want our customers to feel overwhelmed by what we serve them at the table, which is why we offer quality comfort food," Angie said. Among other dishes not to be missed is the most expensive on the entire menu: a 2 pound lobster (ideal for two people) that is first boiled, then chopped and mixed with a smoked vodka sauce.

don angie locale

Don Angie's TikTok and Instagram videos may have contributed to making the restaurant very famous in its first six years of opening, but certainly, that's not the only secret of its success.

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