Where to Eat in Italy Tradition and Elegance

The New “28 Posti” Takes Milan by Storm: The Rise of Two Young Chefs

Barbara Giglioli
copertina 28 posti milano

A Young, Truthful and Genuine Place. In the kitchen, chefs Franco Salvatore and Andrea Zazzara, embracing the potential of the region with a fresh perspective: 28 Posti remains a delightful certainty in Milan.

The venue

Navigli, one of the most chaotic and charming areas of Milan, especially during the summer season. The secret to appreciating this place is to get lost, become one with the bustling crowd that lines the waterway along one of the two banks. Follow the flow, let yourself be guided, with perhaps a beautiful Milanese sunset as the backdrop. Then, suddenly, feel the need for peacefulness and turn to breathe in a bit of tranquility on Via Corsico. Here, at number 1, you will find 28 Posti, a sincere, genuine place that will win you over.

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Taking the place of Marco Ambrosino, after eight years in business, are Franco Salvatore and Andrea Zazzara. Franco, born in 1989, after his first experience in the family restaurant, starts working in venues along the Pescara coast. Later, he joins Al Metrò, a Michelin-starred restaurant, where he learns the main techniques of raw material transformation. After his experience there, he lands at 28 Posti, where he works alongside Marco Ambrosino for seven years.

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Andrea Zazzara, born in 1990, after starting his experiences in kitchens throughout Italy, enrolls at ALMA and then resumes working in various restaurants in central Italy. In Pescara, he embarks on an important experience at Café Les Paillotes, marked by the consultancy of Heinz Beck. Here, he meets Matias Perdomo and Simon Press, who will want him as their sous-chef at Contraste, where he learns an innovative interpretation of Italian cuisine, before joining Motelombroso as an executive chef and finally ending up at 28 Posti.

28 Posti Andrea Zazzara e Franco Salvatore ok

In this union of paths and experiential journeys, the red thread of the two chefs' culinary philosophy remains ethical cuisine, centered around raw materials supplied by small producers and a strong focus on seasonality and waste control – a direction consistently followed by the restaurant.

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One particular feature of the venue is the "blind" tasting menu. You won't have to choose any dish; the chefs will guide you in discovering 28 Posti. It's a sustainable and extremely dynamic menu, with dishes that will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression in your memory.

28 Posti

The dishes

If the morning is seen in the light of dawn, it is precisely with their wonderful appetizers that the chefs welcome their customers. It starts with a striking presentation of artichoke, potatoes, black truffle, and tarragon – a plate that, thanks to its bold flavors, presents itself as a vigorous welcome embrace. Each ingredient stands out distinctly but is also capable of blending with others, creating harmony.

28 Posti Carciofo in tre consistenze servito con crema di castagne arrosto e tartufo nero brodo di verza al miso e olio al dragoncello

Next, the gesture of hospitality shifts to the sea, where the salty flavor of Oyster, seaweed, oyster garum, and kombucha is remarkable – a dish that is much more than just a seafood delight; it transports the soul and body to a beach. Because that's the great talent of the chefs: to make the guest travel on the wings of flavor. With this delightful savoriness in play, the mouth anticipates the enjoyment of a wonderful Catalan Onion, Jerusalem artichoke, and incense-infused lemon –a dish that offers a tantalizing citrus-vegetable experience, filling the air with an enchanting aroma that delights the senses.

28 posti Ostrica alghe garum di ostrica e kombucha Marco Varoli

After finishing the appetizers, you prepare for the first course: Spaghettino by Pastificio dei Campi with fish and shellfish broth, bay leaf, Altino pepper – a dish worth tasting. The subtleties of taste become the main characters in the mouth, a dish that, in its simplicity, manages not to be forgotten. If the last appetizer momentarily took us away from the beach, here comes the sea back in all its strength. This dish is a colorful maritime carnival, where the intensity and truth of flavors are always at the core.

28 Posti Spaghettino in brodetto di pesce e crostacei olio allalloro e polvere di Altino

Continuing along this line, here comes the first of the main courses: Turbot, saffron, chickpeas, and “zero-waste” soup, which shines a spotlight on a theme dear to the chefs: attention to waste. It's a traditional dish with a touch of innovation, preparing the palate for another cornerstone of Italian cuisine: Capon, enriched with kefir, thyme, and lemon. Then there's a special off-the-menu dish that is impossible not to mention, the amazing offal and fermented honey Ragù – a true wave of delight for lovers of this type of food. At the end of the tasting, there's a dish that perhaps represents the two chefs the most: Cacio & ova’s Pallotta, with braised capon thigh in the style of a cacciatora.

28 posti Petto di cappone latte e miele kefir e aneto Marco Varoli
28 Posti Pallotta cacio e ov con ripieno di cappone alla cacciatora 2

A true institution for 28 Posti and the two Abruzzese chefs, who offer it as their flagship dish, a plate that brings them home. A standard of tradition and an unforgettable course, the pinnacle of taste in a climax of wonder. Last but not least, the Creamy Dark Chocolate, spices, porcini mushrooms, carob, and apples, an example of a modern dessert that embraces the flavors of traditional Italian cuisine once again – a dish that presents itself as a wonderful conclusion to a journey through our country, where at each stop, one can't help but enjoy the beauty, breathing in the scents and passion fully.

28 Posti Cremoso al cioccolato con arrosto e spezie terra al cacao salato gelato ai porcini carruba e cialde di carruba e cacao

The passion of two young individuals and professionals who have made their dream a daily reality, and you can truly feel the love in every dish.


28 Posti

Via Corsico, 1, 20144 Milan MI

Tel:  02 839 2377


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