There is no success without sacrifice: this is confirmed by the unstoppable Dabiz Muñoz, who went through extreme working hours with a minimum income. Now that fame has rewarded him, the chef does not forget his troubled beginnings.
The story
It's easy to think that geniuses get everything easy and spontaneous because of an innate talent. Of course, natural endowment helps, but Dabiz Muñoz, who can rightfully be counted among the world's culinary bigwigs, is living proof that things don't work that way. A recipient of three Michelin stars and listed in the top 50 Best Restaurants 2022 with DiverXO, he now notes: "Despite what you see on social media, I personally don't know of any case of true success that doesn't have a history of great sacrifice behind it. I've been cooking since I was 12 years old. I always knew that no matter how big my dream was, the sacrifice would have to be even bigger." It wasn´t easy to create his fine dining restaurant from scratch; a place where diners have an experience that goes far beyond the pleasure of the palate and literally shocks the senses. @soysaracastano
"During the first seven or eight years at DiverXO, we were barely making it in the weekly budget. I was working 17 or 18 hours a day to earn about €500 a week. When you are in situations like that, the people around you tell you that you are making a mistake, and you yourself end up wondering if you are sacrificing your whole life at the risk of failure. When that is the case you overlook everything else for your dream. Now it´s easy to look back and say it was worth it, but back then there were no guarantees," he continues.
Further complicating matters is "Vanguardia o Muerte", his mantra announced to the world with a spectacular video in 2014. Staying true to this credo is not easy: one must always live on the edge, yet remain alert and clear-headed, because falling into the ravine is a moment's notice. "Constantly innovating my restaurant for 14 consecutive years has not been easy, but now I feel comfortable in this scenario. I want every time someone comes to DiverXo to feel like they are always dining somewhere new. This is what we are working on. I am, in fact, convinced that the best versions of DiverXO and me as a chef are yet to come", Muñoz continues.
It is not an easy thing, then, even for someone of his caliber to reconcile everyday life with a bold cuisine full of powerful and brazen flavors. He assures us himself: "sacrifice" is the watchword for someone who thinks big and always raises the bar. "What makes me really anxious even today is that I have many more ideas than the time it takes to develop them. I think the burst of the restaurant and my creativity will come when I’ll be able to devote most of my time to the creative process."