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Sui Generis: the star that illuminated Saronno after only 9 months of opening

Barbara Giglioli
copertina sui generis saronno

Chef Alfio Nicolosi offers a unique menu - Love and Psyche - capable of astonishing guests and leading them on a journey to discover his culinary philosophy. After earning the star in 9 months, the sign of Saronno looks ahead.

The restaurant 

Smiles, bright eyes, welcoming atmosphere. As soon as you step in here, you get the feeling of being in the right place to fully enjoy a special experience. And if the beginning is like this, the continuation can only be magnificent. Our grandparents used to say that "a good start is half the battle," well, at Sui Generis, everything starts off wonderfully.

La mise di sui generis

You take your seat in the dining room, and in front of you, the show begins. It's known that dining at a Michelin-starred restaurant is a far cry from simply eating; it's experiencing something closer to enjoying a performance because haute cuisine is art.

alfio nicolosi

Watching Chef Alfio Nicolosi and his team move in the kitchen is like watching a dance, a marvelous choreography where everything works perfectly. To complete the picture, the line dancers who are the waitstaff, led by sister Agata. It's a harmonious ballet where everything is beautifully in its place.

Sui Generis alessandrobarattelliph team

A single menu to express it all 

The restaurant's choice is simple: a unique blind tasting menu that puts the chef's creativity at the center and meets a new, more attentive and conscious way of storytelling, focusing on sustainability. Already from the chosen name - Love and Psyche - the intent is clear: to guide the guest through taste experiences that touch the emotions.

Sui Generis Alfio e Agata Nicolosi
alfio nicolosi cozze ricotta e limone

A personal narrative of the happy encounter of three principles: the journey through space and time of Nicolosi's cuisine with the love and importance of seasonality. The diners move through the stages of this flavor tour, guided hand in hand to discover the soul of the chef and his numerous cultural and gastronomic experiences.

Sui Generis alessandrobarattelliph
Sui Generis alessandrobarattelliph 3

Love and Psyche is based not only on the goodness of the elements but also on their ethical correctness. The choices are simple but aware: the preference for glass over plastic, but also the desire to ensure the restaurant staff a fair balance between life and work. Great attention is also paid to biodiversity, the careful selection of suppliers, and the almost complete elimination of food waste. Another important element for Sui Generis's cuisine is the kitchen garden. In fact, the direct cultivation of edible plants and flowers allows the restaurant to fully meet its needs.

sui generis orto

The tasting menu

So, not just good food, but also food that does good. And it is precisely from this sustainability and choice of seasonal ingredients that the dance of taste comes to life at Sui Generis. It all starts with a wonderful bread basket accompanied by oil and butter. A treat to kick off a special dinner. The first act opens with finger foods that entice the customer to play with their senses, to use their hands to get messy, to loosen the tension of a too formal dinner, and to have fun sharing beauty. Here come preparations like chickpeas, purple shrimp, and seaweed, but also the wonderful oyster, oriental mayonnaise, and umeboshi, and the surprising ossobuco bonbon, saffron, and gold.

alfio nicolosi ceviche di gambero viola
alfio nicolosi Ostrica maionese orientale e umeboshi 1

Just one bite, but rich with the flavor of a whole dish. But the first act also features dishes like sea bream, mandarin water, and cauliflower couscous, a refreshing combination that cleanses the palate and prepares it for another creation by the chef, which is definitely one of the definitive tastes. Smoked eel rice and sweet and sour onion is one of those courses that can leave a lasting impression. A marriage of sweet and savory, a first course that could easily be a dessert, a mix of flavors that convinces and impresses. Paired with it is the Sake Ninki Gold, Ninki Ichi, capable of enhancing the dish, but also of combining perfectly with it.

alfio nicolosi Risotto anguilla e cipolla

The second act once again features street food as the protagonist. On the table, there are lamb charcoal tacos, redfish empanadillas, and the engaging tongue bao with purple cabbage and tartare. Then, unforgettable are the plin ravioli, 30-month aged Parmesan fondue, and veal jus paired with the Eretico, 2018, tzerb. After this wonderful array of dishes, here comes His Majesty the diaphragm, with cannellini beans and tops. A triumph of offal, fifth quarter, humble parts, but rich in flavor and emotion. The last savory dish that prepares the stomach to welcome the sweetness of the end of the meal.

alfio nicolosi taco di agnello ai carboni
alfio nicolosi Diaframma cannellini e cime 3

And it is with the dessert of pear, tonka bean, peanuts, and cocoa that the end of the performance is celebrated. The applause then moves to the rhythm of the petit fours. At that point, the window darkens, the kitchen goes silent, and you are left alone with the memory of the taste. And it is at that moment that the experience is fixed in our mind and heart.

alfio nicolosi mandorle lampone sommacco e pepe rosa

A beautiful memory that allows us to enjoy the present moment and to thank ourselves for choosing to trust the chef and his staff, who deserve it all.


Sui Generis

Via Roma, 35, 21047 Saronno VA

Phone: 375 668 1925


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