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Spain: Popular Restaurant Loses €11,000 Due to False Reservations, Experiencing a No-Show Boom

Serena Curto
copertina kabo pamplona

A Michelin Guide restaurant in Pamplona, located in the Spanish region of Navarra, has fallen victim to numerous false reservations, resulting in a loss of over €11,000. The distressed owners are forced to implement more rigid cancellation policies.

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For Kabo restaurant in Pamplona, recommended by the Michelin Guide and awarded a Repsol sun, the Sanfermines festival (held annually in the city starting from July 6th for a whole week) didn't go as planned. Instead of operating at full capacity, the restaurant faced a deluge of false reservations. Up until now, the owners have been "victims" of more than 60 cancellations or no-shows (equivalent to 146 people), primarily for dinners, a service not offered daily but only on special occasions.

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Since July 6th, the establishment has recorded reservations made with credit cards lacking funds or non-existent, fake email addresses, phone numbers not corresponding to the given individuals, and false identities. This is revealed by Aaron Ortiz, head chef and owner, along with his wife, sommelier Jaione Aizpurua, of this well-known restaurant that inaugurated its new location on April 26th, just a few steps from La Ciudadela (Zaragoza, 10). It's a significant blow ethically and, more importantly, financially, which, according to their estimates, "exceeds €11,680," considering only the tasting menu priced at €80, excluding beverages and accounting for the wastage of fresh food. Furthermore, in response to reservation requests (they couldn't accept more due to being fully booked at this time of year), they had expanded the staff by three more individuals.

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"It's damage that affects not only the company but also everyone who works here. It targets our credibility, as doubts start to arise even about those who genuinely want to come here and enjoy themselves. We suspect it might be competition, although we can't point fingers at anyone. Other restaurateurs have faced the same thing in the past, but the police will have to investigate," explains Aaron to El Mundo. "Even at other restaurants, managed by young people like us, who have been in business for four or five years, the same thing has happened in past years. It's not new, but it has never been reported. We need to raise our voice so that scammers at least know that we are taking action. We don't want this incident to go unnoticed!" he insists. On the other hand, both Aaron and Jaione have tried to face the adversity "positively, as getting disheartened would be simple."

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As leaders, they want to prevent conveying nervousness to the young team, who are loyal to the project. They must maintain their composure, although Ortiz adds, "At home, you feel like crying or even giving up on everything. For such a small company, it hurts a lot." This situation has compelled them to alter the booking conditions. "The cancellation policy used to be up to 12 hours, but now we've extended it to 24 hours. If you cancel later, the stipulated amount is charged. It used to be €25, but now we've increased it to €80, which is the menu price, to cover the minimum cost of that table in case of a no-show and to ensure that this company stays afloat."

Photo: @Kabo 

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