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Spain: restaurant makes customers without reservation wait and gets negative review

Sveva Valeria Castegnaro
copertina prenotazioni ristorante

In Spain, the battle of the X Soy Camarero account in defense of restaurateurs continues undaunted: this time a restaurant refused to immediately seat customers who had not made reservations, drawing the ire of the group.

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The latest episode of the saga produced by Sony Camarero, the Spanish account (with profiles on all social networks and a large following) championing hospitality workers, was released a few days ago. Topic of the episode, a real-life incident: people who show up at a restaurant without a reservation and arrogantly demand to be seated immediately. The protagonists are a group of people who, having arrived at a restaurant on the Iberian Peninsula on a summer weekend, negatively reviewed the restaurant (without even having eaten) after they were asked to wait for a free table since they had not reserved it in advance.

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I cannot evaluate the food because we were not allowed to eat. The waiter signaled to me that everything was reserved, I see a table not set and suddenly three people sit down without a reservation and eat. All the tables were set except that one, and the guy told us to get something from the bar while we waited. We clearly left," the group of ‘missed diners’ wrote on the web, reports La Vanguardia, assigning one star out of five (the lowest possible rating).

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The restaurant owners, aware that negative reviews can do serious damage to the business, did not hesitate to counter with the following words, “You should respect other people's work a little more. One Sunday in the summer at noon you arrive without a reservation and instead of saying no, as would have been normal, we tell you to wait for a table to become available so you can eat and earn a negative review. This review is more about you than it is about us, Francisco Miguel. Next time, instead of throwing a tantrum because you have to wait to eat at a full restaurant, make a reservation earlier if you are in such a hurry."

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This review speaks more about you than it does about us,” has become, by now, a much-used phrase among restaurateurs on the Iberian Peninsula when faced with excessive or unjustified situations and behavior, rather highlighting customer impropriety. Despite the fact that unsubstantiated negative reviews often appear, however, the people of the web seem to have learned to distinguish the keyboard dogs and are siding, more and more, with those who do their work with commitment and dedication. In fact, even in this case, the response of the restaurant owners received the support of most users.

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