Chef The Leaders of Enogastronomy

Dabiz Muñoz: "Success has brought me problems. Now I'm going to therapy."

Alessandra Meldolesi
copertina dabiz munoz 2023 05 04 12 11 37

Dabiz Muñoz and the ambivalence of success: it is both a personal challenge and an opportunity for renewal. He is working with a psychologist and moving DiverXO to a forest.

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Dabiz Muñoz is used to sparring. And not only when he wears lace and 12-inch heels. Such introspection is unexpected from someone renowned for melodrama in life and in the kitchen. But his latest interviews peel back a layer to show a melancholic interiority – perhaps a spirit of the times.

Dabiz Muñoz al Madrid Fusiòn 2022

The former troubled child of Spanish cuisine, and for some (but not all) the best chef in the world, anointed at the latest edition of Best Chef, flaunts modesty: "I don't feel I'm the best.” Success, indeed, would bring difficulties in dealing with emotions. "I have a complicated relationship with success," he confesses. Decisive, in this regard, would be the decision to have therapy with a psychologist, the one who Muñoz says has best helped him overcome difficult moments and rethink daily life together with his wife, Cristina Pedroche. "I am improving many things personally, entrepreneurially and as a cook. I'm seeing a psychologist with whom I'm doing very well and helping me to put things in context and live a happier life."

Crediti RavioXO

The more significant news is that DiverXO is moving from Eurobuilding to Madrid after eight years. "Today, it occupies a 600-square-meter space, which has become too small in several respects. Besides, I created it eight years ago, when I was different as a chef and person," Muñoz said, but without revealing dates and details of the operation. However, it is known that the new restaurant will have more than triple the space: a good 1,900 square meters nestled in a forest 20 minutes from Madrid. "We will have better means and cuisine of creativity. There will be a few more surprises. I want to redefine DiverXO," he says.

Right now, one needs to be content (so to speak) with the "old" DiverXO, which on July 1 reopened reservations starting in September, priced at 365 euros for the menu dedicated to "flying pigs," plus 150 or 300 for pairings.

Source: Las Provincias

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