Nicola Portinari

Vicenza - Veneto

Nicola Portinari

Nicola Portinari, chef at La Peca restaurant in Lonigo, has revolutionized creative cuisine with his focus on sustainability and ingredient quality, earning the restaurant two Michelin stars.


Born in 1964 in Vicenza, Nicola Portinari has always been passionate about cooking, influenced by the gastronomic tradition of Veneto. Raised in a home with a large kitchen and a father who owned a butcher shop and deli for 55 years, Nicola absorbed the aromas and flavors that now characterize his cuisine. In 1987, along with his brother Pierluigi, he founded the restaurant La Peca, which means "imprint" in Venetian dialect, reflecting their desire to leave a mark on Italian gastronomy.

Since becoming a chef in 1989, Nicola has intensively studied and enriched his experience, including a significant period at Arzak in 2002. La Peca earned its first Michelin star in 1996 and a second in 2009, thanks to a combination of tradition and modernity that defines Nicola’s cooking. The restaurant's philosophy is based on using local and seasonal ingredients, often from organic producers in the region, like the Organic Forest company.

La Peca's menu is known for its creativity and attention to detail. Dishes like "Minestrone di Verdure," where each ingredient is cooked separately to enhance its flavor, and "Essenza di Baccalà with Mozzarella di Bufala, Babà al Pomodoro, and Liquorice Powder," reflect Nicola’s ability to transform simple ingredients into extraordinary culinary experiences. His vegetarian and sustainable cuisine is particularly appreciated and can be adapted to vegan needs.

Nicola has received numerous awards throughout his career, including the "Young Chef of the Year" by L'Espresso guide in 1999. He has been invited to speak at major international culinary congresses such as "Lo Mejor de la Gastronomía" in San Sebastián and "Identità Golose" in Milan, where he shared his experience and innovative techniques.

In addition to cuisine, Nicola and Pierluigi have renovated the restaurant using local materials and enriching it with contemporary design objects, creating a welcoming and sophisticated atmosphere that reflects their hospitality philosophy.


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