First Courses

“Mountain” tortelli with chamois in the filling: chef Fabrizia Meroi reveals the recipe

copertina fabrizia meroi

A beloved Laite dish: Fabrizia Meroi's tortelli welcome a chamois and mascarpone filling, giving the palate the intense flavors of the mountains.


Ingredients for 4 people

For the pasta

  • Approximately 420 g medium yellow paste potatoes
  • 2 egg yolks
  • Salt, oil
  • 200g about 200g 00 flour

For the filling

  • 200 g spreadable cheese
  • 50 g mascarpone cheese
  • 150 g of chamois mozzarella

For the topping

  • 60 g butter
  • 40 g Parmigiano Reggiano cheese
  • 1 tablespoon poppy seeds


Boil potatoes in lightly salted water in 1 large pot, drain and sieve; once cooled, mix with egg yolks, salt, and flour quickly.

Prepare the filling: chop the mocetta with a meat grinder and mix thoroughly with the two cheeses.

Roll out the dough to a thin pasta sheet with a rolling pin; be careful to keep the surface of the work surface well floured so that the potato dough does not stick.

Cut out disks with the dough cutter about 2 inches across. Stuff each disc with a little of the chamois mixture; close in a half-moon shape, sealing the edge of the raviolos with the tips of a fork by incising slightly.

Dip them in lightly salted boiling water and when they come to the surface, drain them; arrange them on plates, topping with a little grated Parmigiano, poppy seeds and hot melted butter.


Laite Restaurant

Address: Borgata Hoffe, 1032047 - Sappada (BL)

Phone +39 0435 469070

Fabrizia Meroi copertina foto Andrea Moretti

Chef Recipes

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