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Capogiro: Baja Sardinia's gourmet restaurant conquers Michelin guidebook

Asia Torreggianti
copertina Capogiro

Capogiro is a gourmet featuring a mix of creativity and authenticity in the northeastern area of Sardinia, while celebrating the land and its raw materials. Located in the prestigious setting of the 7Pines Resort, it recently earned a place in the Michelin Guide. At the heart of the menu is the synergistic fusion of refinement and sincerity, where each dish tells a story of passion and appreciation for the local environment and culture.

The news

Capogiro, led by executive Pasquale D'Ambrosio and located in the majestic 7Pines Resort in Baja Sardinia, offers an experience that combines a deep connection with the land and a personal reinterpretation of local customs, making the overall experience a true path of discovery for visitors. On the occasion of their entrance among the new restaurants reviewed by Michelin Guide, the chef, who is originally from Campania, and the property manager told us about their gastronomic philosophy, made up of passion, values and a meticulous attention to detail that has led the restaurant to achieve excellence and win over Michelin inspectors.

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“Since I arrived in Sardinia, I have decided not to propose a merely qualitative cuisine,” says D'Ambrosio, “each dish is, in fact, the result of in-depth study and continuous research: I want to create dishes that have a soul without taking anything for granted. After all, I have been practicing in the industry for 30 years, always following the same canons, and putting quality at the forefront."

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The project, launched in 2022, found its turning point only last year, when it was realized that it was possible to concretize the proposal by more clearly defining the objectives. The focus was on becoming recognized and appreciated, first at the territorial level, then by visitors and a wider audience, consolidating its role and identity.

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"When I heard that we had entered the crosshairs of the Michelin Guide, I got deeply excited and celebrated with my guys, some of whom are very young and are living a dream. I admit that it was complex to form a solid brigade on the island, to strengthen the pink quotas, to hold our own against the competition and the upcoming giants, as well as against the sector of agritourisms in the surrounding area, but even more so to earn the trust of the locals, who were initially wary and doubtful of an “outsider.” Somehow we were repaid; nothing was taken for granted. Although the joy and satisfaction were immense, after an hour we were already back to focusing and preparing for the start of the upcoming service. We remain with our feet on the ground because we aim to go even higher."

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The Director, Vito Francesco Spalluto, fully agrees with the chef's words, “I am happy, great recognition after just two years of opening. We have worked hard, however, this is only the first step, the road is still long. To reach this very first goal, the wine selection has also played a key role: we have incorporated both internationally renowned and native niche labels on the menu. In addition, focusing on design and aesthetics was a winning choice, especially deciding to showcase to the public works by local artisans, which give a regional plus to the environment. It must be said that we were also adept at communicating effectively."

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CAPOGIRO Maialino tonnato mela annurca limone affumicato foglie di cappero e fiori2 PS

The Sartoriale menu reflects a deep respect for Gallura and its treasures. “I stripped myself of the baggage I usually carried and here I started from scratch. I adopt a line aimed at evolution, in technique for example, although I cherish deep down some points that are now firmly established, such as eco-sustainability, or keeping up with the times,” says the executive chef. The approach is essential and, at the same time, authentic. At the heart of the initiative is the desire to narrate the territory, as if it were a fairy tale. "In the morning I still wake up with butterflies in my stomach, eager to read the latest feedback, maybe the previous night's feedback. We are establishing ourselves because we know that you can do fine dining with a few, understandable ingredients, turning them into valuable elements."

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The most significant change was the decision to express our vision in a simple way, making the most of the raw material: "We preferred to remove rather than add." An emblematic dish, which surely prompted the experts to point him out, is Esperienza, composed of 12 pasta shapes, the mista, and 12 varieties of tomatoes, datterino, Pachino, piennolo, riccio, seared and finally whisked with some Granglona Pecorino, Parmigiano Reggiano and Grana Padano, oil from the Berchida cooperative, an extra virgin from Liguria and a Sicilian. Savoring it, each diner can see himself inside, rediscovering familiar flavors, proper to a near past, enhanced by a direct language that points straight to the heart. A natural attunement is thus established bite by bite, a warm embrace that envelops the innermost chords of the spirit.

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In recent months reports from customers, including overseas, and word of mouth have been constant, leading to a significant increase in bookings and a growing influx of guests from outside the resort. The intent of the entire team is to become a benchmark Mediterranean hub in the area, where every detail is sophisticated, but without showiness. Inclusiveness is the real strength of this setting. Most customers choose to trust the chef with the “free-hand” route, eager to explore the art of fine dining at its finest. The service is elegant and attentive, yet relaxed and discreet, while the wait staff is distinguished by its training and professionalism.

pasquale d ambrosio Riccio di mare animelle di gambero viola limone stufato patata Fumuderra guancia di scorfano finocchio di mare olio al mirto PS

“There has been nothing more electrifying this summer than seeing the same people, from miles around, for three consecutive evenings, curious to test the most diverse preparations: it can only be an indication of enjoyment,” Spalluto says. "I know we are going in the right direction because everything works and is tangible; in fact, the season just past was wonderful. I hope that the growth always turns out to be exponential and that some ideas become reality. Now it is critical that our overall vision moves toward green and zero-mile practices."

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In short, Capogiro completes the overall picture as if it were that last piece of the puzzle to be inserted to finish the work, fitting harmoniously between the Cone Club, a great classic with breathtaking views of pristine nature and crystal clear waters, and Spazio by Franco Pepe. Thus patrons of all ages will have a choice of where to go without ever getting bored.


7Pines Resort Sardinia

Loc. Li Mucchi Bianchi, Baja Sardinia, 07021, Arzachena (SS)

+39 0789 1775022

info.sardinia@7pines.com or reservations.sardinia@7pines.com



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