Mattia Trabetti

Fiorano Modenese - Italia

Mattia Trabetti

Mattia Trabetti is a talented Italian chef; his cuisine is creative and instinctive, deeply rooted in the Emilian territory. After training at ALMA in Colorno, Trabetti gained experience in the best starred restaurants in Europe, including Antica Corona Reale in Cervere and Zilte in Antwerp. His cuisine is characterized by a meticulous search for local flavors, combined with an innovation that reflects his international experience.

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Born in 1989, Mattia Trabetti began his training at ALMA in Colorno, the prestigious Italian culinary school. His first significant experience was at the Antica Corona Reale in Cervere, a two Michelin star restaurant, where he honed his skills under the guidance of the great masters of Italian cuisine. Later, Trabetti broadened his culinary horizons by working with Heinz Beck in London, at F12 in Sweden (Stockholm's first Michelin-starred restaurant), and finally at Zilte in Antwerp, which recently received its third Michelin star.

In the kitchen, Trabetti is known for being creative and instinctive, with a deep respect for the land and its fruits. His career has led him to explore Northern Europe and the East, absorbing techniques and philosophies that have enriched his culinary vision. This global experience has allowed him to develop a unique individuality in the culinary scene. Arriving in Modena, Trabetti began a voyage of discovery of the Emilian tradition, exploring the most deeply rooted culinary histories of the city and the Apennines.

The result of this journey is a fresh, thoughtful, local cuisine, driven by instinct and a desire to experiment. Trabetti places great emphasis on seasonality, which today is synonymous with sustainability and responsibility. "We want to engage the customer by telling him about the magical place where we are, seen with a young and innovative eye," says the chef, who sees the environment as a canvas on which to paint his culinary journey.

Today at ALTO, Mattia Trabetti offers two gastronomic paths: one based on the research and gastronomic history of the province of Modena and the other on the seasonal availability of the vegetable harvest in Emilia. His identity cuisine is timbral and strongly influenced by seasonality, offering guests an experience that celebrates the land and its history in an innovative and contemporary way.


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