Fish Main Courses Octupus

Octopus with mock pomegranate mayonnaise, apples and celeriac | Angelo Troiani

Angelo Troiani Polpo verace con maionese di polpo

Recipe by Angelo Troiani: Octopus verace with faux pomegranate mayonnaise, apple and celeriac.


  • One octopus
  • Apples and celeriac to taste


Cook the octopus in a pressure cooker for 14 minutes, allow to cool so that the skin remains attached to the muscle, cut into 90/100 g portions and cook in a pan with a little oil after removing the suckers, until golden brown.
Cut the apple into wedges and cook it in a vacuum-packed bag for 10 minutes at 80°C with steam; let it cool and then roast on a griddle with a little oil. Clean celeriac, cup it and steam it for 7 minutes.

For the sauce

  • 50 g mustard
  • 100 g pomegranate juice
  • 300 g seed oil
  • 50 g octopus collagen


Combine pomegranate juice, mustard, octopus collagen and bring to reduction. Whisk together with seed oil as if it were mayonnaise, until desired consistency.

For the garnish

  • Octopus mayonnaise
  • Shelled pomegranate
  • Mint oil


Garnish with octopus mayonnaise, pomegranate kernels and mint-flavored oil.
Photo of the dish on the cover: Credits Alberto Blasetti


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