First Courses

Alberto Gipponi's “raw but cooked” casoncello: the brilliant pasta that surprises the palate

copertina casoncello alberto gipponi

A filled pasta prepared using an old-fashioned method, which through gelification gives the idea of the raw product even though it is cooked. The dish that surprises Alberto Gipponi's palate.

Photo by Lido Vannucchi

Recipe for Casoncello “raw but cooked” by Alberto Gipponi

Ingredients for 6 people

For the filling

  • 500 g tongue
  • 500 g tail
  • 500 g cheeks
  • 500 g beef stomach
  • 150 g celery
  • 150 g carrots
  • 150 g onions
  • Salt

For the pasta

  • 500 g plain flour
  • 5 whole eggs
  • 15 g water
  • 15 g extra virgin olive oil

For the Grana Padano cream

  • 300 g grated Grana Padano cheese
  • 500 ml single cream

Preparation of Alberto Gipponi's “raw but cooked” Casoncello

alberto gipponi casoncelli crudi ma cotti

For the filling

Cook the tongue sous-vide at 80°C for 8 hours or in court bouillon for 4 hours, peel it, cut it into slices. Brown it in extra-virgin olive oil. Brown the tail and cheeks using the same method. Fry the sausage. In the meantime, in a tall saucepan, brown the chopped vegetables, add the meat, bring to the boil and cover with water. Leave to simmer for 4 hours.

Then separate the pieces of tongue, cheek and tail from the remaining meat, and cut them into small cubes with a knife. Blend the remaining sausage with the vegetables. Put everything back in the pot and simmer again for two hours. Finally, add salt to taste.

For the pasta

Make a well in the flour on a wooden board. Add the eggs beaten with the oil and water in the center. Start kneading with a fork and then knead the dough vigorously with your hands.

Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and leave to rest in the fridge for 30 minutes.

Roll out the dough, put 5 g of filling in each hollow and close.

For the raw, but cooked version

Vacuum seal the filled pasta and cook at 90°C for 3-5 minutes using steam or a Roner. Cool in ice water and regenerate at 35°C. The pasta will gel and pasteurize. It will be “raw”, but cooked.

Alberto Gipponi casoncello crudo ma cotto ph Lido Vannucchi 2025 03 13 16 39 41

For the traditional version

Cook for 2 minutes in boiling salted water and stir in a pan with the Grana Padano cream.

For the Grana Padano cream

Bring the cream to the boil and pour over the grated cheese. Blend for 6 minutes and filter.

alberto gipponi casoncelli classici con crema di grana padano 2

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