Fish Main Courses

Wicky Priyan's Catalan-style lobster: the mouthwatering and scenic signature recipe

COPERTINA Catalana di aragosta Wicky s

All the opulence of the crustacean with the strategic addition of sauces to create depth of flavor: Japanese chef Wicky Priyan's Catalan-style lobster recipe.

Recipe from the book Crudo, cotto e marinato by Italian Gourmet

Photo by Manuela Vanni for Italian Gourmet

For the lobsters

  • 4 lobsters
  • 400 ml shoyu soy sauce
  • 240 ml of sake
  • 240 ml mirin

Combine all the ingredients, except the lobsters, cold in a pot.

As soon as the resulting broth comes to a boil, boil the lobsters. When they are cooked, drain them and plunge them into water and ice, then let them rest for 3 minutes. Remove the flesh from the shell using your hands and set aside.

For the sauce

  • 15 ml lemon juice
  • 15 ml red rice vinegar
  • 70 ml extra-virgin olive oil
  • 5 g white sugar

Combine all ingredients, emulsify with a whisk, and set aside.

For the vegetable catalana

  • 1 head of endive
  • 100 g fennel
  • 50 g Tropea red onion
  • 8 datterini tomatoes
  • 4 white grapes
  • 50 ml extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 basil leaf
  • 4 fresh coriander leaves
  • 2 parsley leaves
  • Maldon salt, Madagascar pepper

Slice the endive, Tropea onion and fennel, remove the seeds from the grapes and slice them. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half and saute in a pan with a drizzle of oil, season with salt and pepper, then add to the other vegetables.

Finishing and plating

  • Edible flowers
  • Maldon salt, pepper

Cut each lobster into 4 parts lengthwise, season with salt and pepper; arrange one part of the flesh on the plate and cover it with the vegetable catalan, season with sauce, arrange a new slice of flesh, again the vegetables and a layer of sauce, and so on, until the 4 parts of lobster flesh are arranged on each plate.

Wicky Priyan Libro


Wicky's Innovative Japanese Cuisine

Corso Italia, 6, 20122 Milan MI

Phone +39 02 8909 3781



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