Fish Main Courses

"Volevo essere fritto" I Wanted to be Fried | Ciccio Sultano

sultano volevo esser fritto copertina 970 696x471

Recipe by Ciccio Sultano: I Wanted to be Fried - "Volevo essere fritto"

Ingredients for 4 servings

  • 4 small cannolo shells
  • 4 red shrimps
  • 50 gr of ricotta seasoned with scallion, parsley, and extra virgin olive oil
  • 4 gr of boiled sanapo (goby fish), chopped and seasoned with oil, salt, chili pepper, and a few drops of lemon juice
  • 8 grams of caviar
  • Extra virgin olive oil, lemon juice, chili pepper, as needed


Clean the shrimps by separating the heads from the tails. Season the tails with oil and lemon; place in the fridge.
Crush the heads to extract the coral and blend them with oil, lemon juice, and chili pepper.
Fill the cannoli with the seasoned ricotta, the vegetables, a few drops of coral sauce, and complete with the shrimp tails and caviar.

ciccio sultano copertina foto Marcello Bocchieri 970Photography of Ciccio Sultano by Marcello Bocchieri
Photography of the dish by Bob Noto

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