
When watermelon becomes a Michelin star dish: Luca Marchini's recipe

copertina Luca marchini cocomero

Chef Luca Marchini "breaks down" watermelon into a plurality of textures for a dish that is as exciting as it is playful. Perfect idea for the warmer months.


For the cashew nut paste

  • 500 g unroasted, unsalted cashews

Blend the cashews in the Bimby with a little seed oil.

For watermelon slices

  • 1 Black pearl watermelon

Remove the skin from the watermelon and set aside. Cut slices from the watermelon about 50 g each, taking care to remove the seeds. Wrap with cashew paste and bake in rooner at 85° for 15 minutes. Cool in ice and water and leave overnight in cellar. Wash watermelon from cashew paste and let dry with paper towels. Vacuum pack and freeze.

For the cashew butter

  • 500 g unroasted, unsalted cashews.

Toast cashews in oven at 180°C for about 7 minutes. Blend in Bimby with a little Maldon salt. Strain.

For the candied watermelon rind

  • 450 g cleaned and cut peel
  • 700 g water
  • 700 g sugar
  • 1 lime
  • Mustard essence

Clean the watermelon skins from the pink part of the watermelon and peel them to remove the dark green outer part. Cut them off and put them in water with half a tablespoon of baking soda for 4 hours. Put the sugar and water and lemon juice in a saucepan and melt. Add the previously drained and rinsed watermelon rind. Cook for about 45 minutes. Place in jar with syrup and two drops of mustard essence.

For the plum vinegar

  • 1 l good white wine vinegar
  • 600 g cleaned plums
  • 100 g sugar

Remove the stones from the plums and cut them into four. Place in pot with sugar and cook for about 5 minutes. Heat the white wine vinegar and add it to the plums. Place the mixture in a glass jar covered with gauze in a dark place for about 2 weeks. Strain.

For the marinated watermelon wafer

  • 500 g watermelon
  • 150 g plum vinegar

Place the watermelon in a vacuum with the plum vinegar and marinate one day. Blend in Bimby and strain the mixture: this will make marinated watermelon water.

  • 80 g marinated watermelon water
  • 10 g rice flour
  • 10 g of cornstarch
  • 2 g agar agar

Combine all the ingredients and bring the mixture to a boil on the stove, stirring continuously. Spread the resulting cream on silpats and dry at 60°C in the oven. Fry.

For the plum vinegar gel

  • 100 g plum vinegar
  • 2 g agar agar

Bring the vinegar to the fire with the agar agar and bring to a boil. Allow the gel to cool and then blend in the Bimby.

For the confit emulsion

  • Oil obtained from cooking the confit cherry tomatoes
  • Milk
  • Lemon juice

Combine the milk with a few drops of lemon juice. Whisk in the oil from the confit datterini tomatoes and add more seed oil if necessary. Add salt.

For the Codium sauce

  • 400 g white onion
  • 40 g extra virgin olive oil
  • 3 g garlic
  • 500 g of Codium
  • 500 g watermelon 100°
  • 10 g soy sauce
  • 50 g of raw Codium

Place the chopped watermelon in a 100°C oven for about 4 hours. Cut onion and garlic into julienne and sauté with oil. Add Codium seaweed and to stew five minutes. Also add the cooked watermelon and continue cooking. Blend in Bimby at 80°C with soy sauce and raw Codium seaweed. Sift adjust with the xanatana.

Preparing the elements

Sprinkle watermelon with cashew butter and pan sear until a crust forms. Add Maldon salt. Fry watermelon chips in deep fryer at 170°.

Dish composition

Arrange watermelon cut into triangles. Place two dots of plum vinegar gel, two candied watermelon peel and a few dots of datterini confit emulsion.

Lay watermelon chips, oyster leaf (alternatively borage flowers) and pour Codium seaweed sauce in the center of the plate.


The King's Herb

Via Castelmaraldo, 45, 41121 Modena MO

Phone: 059 218188



LucaMarchini FondoGrigioScuro 0121 phRolandoPaoloGuerzoni

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