First Courses Tomatoes

Antonino Cannavacciuolo's 3-Michelin-starred gnocchi alla sorrentina recipe

copertina gnocchi cannavacciuolo

From the selection of perfect potatoes to the stringy topping of buffalo mozzarella, a dish as embracing as is the South! Gnocchi alla sorrentina, interpreted by a great chef.




  • 400 g yellow potatoes
  • 120 g of 00 flour
  • 2 egg yolks
  • nutmeg to taste
  • salt to taste
  • pepper to taste

Boil yellow potatoes with their skins on in plenty of salted water; when they are cooked, drain and peel them while hot. Place the flour on a pastry board or clean steel table with the two egg yolks and the rest of the ingredients in the center. Combine the potatoes after mashing them in a potato masher and knead quickly, so the starch will retain its structure and the gnocchi will remain soft. When the dough is smooth and homogeneous, form cylindrical strips of dough. Cut them into small pieces to form the gnocchi.


  • 200 g of buffalo mozzarella cheese
  • 150 g datterini tomatoes
  • 30 g of basil
  • 30 ml of Italian extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 40 g of Parmigiano Reggiano
  • salt to taste

Wash the datterini tomatoes, blanch them for 10 seconds and cool in water and ice, drain, peel and cut in half. In a frying pan, sauté the garlic clove cut in half and deprived of its soul in oil; as soon as it is golden, remove it. Throw the datterini in the pan and cook them over low heat for 5 minutes, adjusting the salt.

Cook the gnocchi in a pot of salted water until they rise to the surface and drain immediately with a slotted spoon. Combine them with the datterini, add some of the oil, and toss for 2 minutes.

Turn off the flame and add the coarsely chopped buffalo mozzarella, basil leaves chopped with your hands, and a drizzle of oil again.


In a deep dish put the gnocchi and, if desired, decorate with Parmigiano shavings and clumps of basil. Finish with a drizzle of oil. Alternatively, before serving you can divide the gnocchi into 4 ceramic ovenproof cocottes, sprinkle with grated Parmigiano and lightly gratinate on the surface in the oven grill at maximum power.

Find all of the chef's recipes here

Cover photo: @Stefano Fusaro


Villa Crespi

Via Fava, 18, 28016 Orta San Giulio NO

Phone +39 0322 911902


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