
Biancomangiare by Iginio Massari: the mouth-watering almond dessert recipe

copertina biancomangiare massari

From the soft amaretto base to the cream and marzipan cream, a "full almond" sweet made summery by orange marmalade and strawberry jam. Master Iginio Massari explains all the steps to make it.


To make the soft amaretto

  • 3 Bourbon vanilla pods from Madagascar
  • 560 g white almond powder Prima Bari
  • 500 g powdered sugar (finely ground)
  • 400 g sugar
  • 400 g egg whites (whisk to stiff peaks)

Sift the almond powder with the powdered sugar and whip the egg whites with the second sugar: work in a food mixer at medium speed. The egg whites should be glossy. Incorporate with a spatula the almonds with the sugar and vanilla. Shape with a pastry bag and smooth nozzle diameter 6 or with Teflon chablons; dust lightly with powdered sugar before baking at a temperature of 220-230°C for 3 minutes and then at 180°C for about 7 minutes with the steam valve open.

To make biancomangiare cream

  • 550 g 1:1 marzipan ground very fine
  • 40 g rice starch
  • 1200 g milk (mix and cook at 84°c; at 26-28°c incorporate whipped cream)
  • 24 g gelatin sheets softened in cold water (incorporate while cream is still hot, mix vigorously)
  • 1400 g whipped cream (mix gently when cream is cold)

Place marzipan, rice starch, and boiling milk in a pot; stir until temperature reaches 84°C; incorporate gelatine sheets softened in cold water and stir vigorously (or with blender). When the mixture reaches 26-28°C, add the whipped cream, stirring gently.

For the orange-strawberry marmalade (inside)

  • 300 g fresh orange juice
  • 500 g granulated sugar (cook until first boiling)
  • 700 g strawberries (cut into cubes, incorporate and cook for one minute)
  • 30 g fresh ground ginger
  • 50 g sugar
  • 7 g pectin (mix dry with sugar)
  • 18 g gelatin sheets softened in cold water

Dissolve gelatine in a little orange juice, then mix all other ingredients. Bake and pour into 5-mm-high rings, helping with measuring cup, freeze.

To make amaretto syrup

  • 500 g water
  • 300 g sugar (boil)
  • 150 g amaretto liqueur at 40° (incorporate when cold)

When the syrup is cold, add and stir in the amaretto liqueur.

To make the white glaze

  • 250 g of milk
  • 75 g condensed milk
  • 100 g glucose
  • 400 g white chocolate cut into small pieces
  • 10 g gelatin sheets softened in cold water
  • 200 g neutral gelatin

Bring milk, condensed milk and glucose to a boil, pour the gelatin sheets and neutral gelatin over the chopped white chocolate, mix with a blender. Let rest overnight in refrigerator, melt at 38°C, reserve for 20 minutes at room temperature before frosting.

Dish composition

Assemble following the different points to make the layers. Nb: some fillings must be en dosage since they repeat.

1) Steel ring, with a strip of acetate acting as a cake turner and covering the inside; the ring is placed on a paper-lined baking sheet

2) Base base of soft amaretto lightly soaked in amaretto dip

3) Orange and strawberry fruit jam, molded into filling rings and frozen

4) Biancomangiare cream

5) Soft amaretto placed in the middle of the cake

6) White cream (biancomangiare) (when you plan the cake, you should leave a small space in the ring to put the biancomangiare cream around the circumference and surface)

7) White frosting/glaze all over the cake

8) Fancy decoration full of fresh fruit

Recipe taken from Iginio Massari's website

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