Chef Recipes

Jordi Roca unveils "sheep’s wool" dessert recipe: the meal finale that tastes "farm-fresh"

Alessandra Meldolesi
copertina lana di pecora jordi roca

Over the course of his long career, Jordi Roca has crafted dozens of masterpieces. The dessert he is most proud of, however, is "sheep's wool", a creation he came up with in 2003: a quasi-monograph devoted to sheep's milk, taking you into the magic of a farm in the Pyrenees through stills of technique and the power of synesthesia.

The idea

Everyone in the great little world of food knows Jordi Roca, pastry chef at The Celler, as a prolific and ingenious professional, as adept at handling chocolate and ice cream as he is at plate desserts. When the American magazine Tasting Table asked him what recipe he wanted to be remembered for, however, he had no hesitation: it is the "postre lactico" created for the 3-star restaurant in 2003 and never made it off the menu, which also changes constantly.

jordi Roca joan pujol creus
@Joan Pujol Creus

The main player in the composition is the milk of Ripollesa sheep, a Pyrenees native breed, whose milk is particularly sweet, creamy and aromatic. In the great pastry chef it evoked feelings of peace and life, in liaison with the scent of newborn grandchildren.

el postre con lana de oveja de jordi roca 38b8

The dessert

Of course, technique puts its own spin on it, drawing a variety of flavors and textures from the white liquid: dulce de leche, yogurt drops, ricotta mousse, and milk ice cream, plus a gill of guava for acidity and a cotton-candy cloud for surprise effect.

jordi roca dessert postre lactico

The game is further elaborated in a synaesthetic sense by the combination of a card scented with sheep's wool essential oil, which smells like a farm in the Pyrenees.

postre lactico di Rocambolesc riadattato dai Roca per gelateria
The Roca's repurposed version for the Rocambolesc ice cream shop

It is obtained by vacuum maceration of wool in acetate for 12 hours and subsequent distillation of the filtered liquid at Rotovapor, as Directo al Paladar details, echoing a social media post by the great pastry chef.

SHEEP'S WOOL by Jordi Roca: the recipe

postre lactico edited jordi roca


For the guava gill

  • 500 g guava puree
  • 100 g sugar

Heat 100 g of puree with the sugar, dissolving it. Incorporate the rest of the puree. Spread thinly on a silicone sheet and freeze.

To make dulce de leche

  • 1 l sheep's milk
  • 500 g sugar
  • 1 pinch of baking soda

Heat milk with sugar and reduce until it turns a caramel color. Add baking soda and let reduce a little more, without stopping stirring. Set aside in a cool place.

For the sheep's milk mousse

  • 500 g fresh sheep's milk ricotta
  • 500 ml sheep's milk cream

Mix the ricotta and cream and load into a siphon.

For the sheep's milk ice cream

  • 500 ml of sheep's milk cream
  • 500 ml sheep's milk
  • 100 g invert sugar
  • 200 g of sugar
  • 100 g dextrose
  • 5 g stabilizer
  • 500 g soft fresh sheep's milk cheese

Mix cream, milk and invert sugar, then heat. Incorporate sugar, dextrose and stabilizer, pasteurize at 85 °C without stopping stirring. Strain, cool and blend in cheese. Refrigerate for12 hours, whip and store at -18 °C.

To make the cotton-candy cloud 

  • sugar and milk powder

Insert the sugar into the cotton candy machine and sprinkle the cloud with milk powder.

To guarnish

  • sheep's yogurt

In a round dish place the dulce de leche at the base, a scoop of ice cream in the center, and on top the mousse skewered with a guava gill. Finish with cotton candy and a few drops of yogurt.


El Celler de Can Roca

Carrer de Can Sunyer, 48, 17007 Girona, Spagna

Phone: +34 972 22 21 57


Roca brothers Mikel Ponce
@Mikel Ponce

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