Gastronomy News

In England, Covid Strikes Again: A well-Known Chef Loses His Sense of Taste and Retires

Alessandra Meldolesi
copertina mark fisher chef chiusura

Mark Sebastian Fisher, chef of the fine dining restaurant Sebastians in Oswestry, UK, has had to close his doors. "I can no longer guarantee that the dishes meet my own standards," he explained.

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Ageusia, anosmia. They were the nightmare of many in the restaurant scene during the Covid-19 pandemic. Disabling symptoms, in life and at work, that almost everyone infected, if affected, overcame within a few weeks or months. Some, however, did not win this battle. For example, 54-year-old Mark Sebastian Fisher, the fine dining chef with Sebastians in Shropshire.

 Mark Sebastian Fisher with his wife and sous chef

Despite the popularity of the restaurant – the waiting list through the end of the year had 150 names listed – the British chef and his wife, Michelle, were forced to make a difficult decision. They announced it on social media: their final service would be on the final day of the year after 33 years of business and success.

"I completely lost my taste and sense of smell because of Covid, and now in serving food, I depend on other family members and staff members," he recounted. In practice, Fisher can no longer perform the function of tasting, ensuring that what he serves meets the standards he had set for himself; he, therefore, finds himself forced to delegate it to others, mainly his wife, Michelle.


Other reasons also emerge in the wake of the general trend of downshifting and great resignation. "Our three children have had to work here practically since they were born, and today, having finished college, they all have full-time jobs. We want them to do their own thing. The last few years, then, have shown us the importance of devoting more time to ourselves."

Sebastians- hotel

"The costs for restaurants next year will be unaffordable, so I think many of them will close," Fisher added. It is not certain, however, that the closure will be forever: the shutdown may simply be a slowdown with a view to a future reopening, perhaps in a revamped form. In addition, next year, the accommodations will remain open regarding rooms (with breakfast) and events. So, the pans will continue sizzling.

Source: Daily Mail

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