Sarah Minnick

Portland - USA

copertina biografia Sarah Minnick

Sarah Minnick is both the brawn and the brain behind the famous Lovely's Fifty Fifty in Portland, Oregon. With a background in art and design, she has turned her passion for food into a mission: to revolutionise pizza through local and seasonal ingredients. The restaurant is one of the best-loved in the United States, famous for its unique and creative combinations, the use of edible flowers, fermented vegetables and artisanal cheeses.

Sarah Minnick began her journey into the culinary world after attending the Rhode Island School of Design, where she developed a strong artistic sensibility that she then translated into the kitchen. In 2003, decided to open a restaurant called Lovely Hula Hands, an experience she does not regret as it allowed her to increase her elegant and refined approach. However, it was in 2010 that the project that would make her famous was born: Lovely's Fifty Fifty, a pizzeria. 

From the very beginning, she excelled in both doughs and toppings. After practising extensively with different artisanal flours and fermentation methods, she perfected a hydrated dough containing up to 40 per cent local and whole grains, resulting in a unique product with exceptional digestibility. Her menu varies according to seasonality, using mostly ingredients sourced from local Oregon farmers. Among the most striking examples of her creations are pizzas garnished with edible flowers, fermented vegetables and 100% artisanal cheeses. 

Over the years, has become a landmark in the city, ranking 16th in the 50 Top Pizza USA in 2021. She was even featured in an episode of Chef's Table: Pizza on Netflix in 2022, cementing hers status as an artisanal innovator with a plant-based footprint. 


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