Recipe by Niko Romito: Creamy Spaghetti with Cod and Tomato
Ingredients for 4 Servings
- 320g spaghettoni (thick spaghetti)
- 200g raw cod
- 200g cod milk
- 2 liters tomato water
- 2 sprigs of thyme
- White pepper
- Extra virgin olive oil as needed
For Cod Milk
- 300g cod scraps
- 500g whole fresh milk
- 200g water
- 1 stalk of celery
- 1 carrot
- 1 bay leaf
- 1 sprig of rosemary
- Extra virgin olive oil as needed
For Tomato Water
- 4kg green tomatoes
For Cod Milk
Clean cod bones and skin under running water. In a pan with oil, sweat finely sliced carrot and celery. Add cod scraps and moisten with milk and water. Simmer for about 30 minutes until reduced by two-thirds, scent with a sprig of rosemary and a bay leaf. Skim if necessary. Strain through a chinois (fine sieve).
For Tomato Water
Blend the tomatoes thoroughly and then filter the water obtained through a linen cloth.
For Spaghetti
Pour two liters of tomato water into a pot, salt, and bring to a boil: add the spaghettoni and cook to two-thirds of their ideal doneness. Drain, transfer to an aluminum pan, and finish cooking while sprinkling with cod milk.
Cream the spaghettoni in the pan, off the heat, with extra virgin olive oil, a pinch of thyme and pepper, and complete with raw cod cut into cubes. Serve immediately.
The cover photograph is by Brambilla - Serrani.