
How to make the perfect Zeppole di San Giuseppe according to Sal De Riso: the recipe for March 19

copertina zeppole san giuseppe sal de riso

Puff pastry, a silky vanilla custard and candied black cherries: Sal de Riso's puffs for March 19 deliver a bite full of nuances and genuine flavors.

For the bigné

  • 250 g water;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 6 g salt;
  • 250 g 00 flour;
  • 400 g whole eggs (No. 8).

Boil the first three ingredients, add the sifted flour and cook for a few minutes over low heat, stirring with a wooden spoon. Let the dough cool in a large container and add all the eggs in one go. Work the dough with an electric whisk until smooth and homogeneous. Using a pastry bag with an 18-mm-diameter curly tip, form the doughnut-shaped zeppoles on top of a sheet of greased baking paper.

Fry in hot oil at 180°C (350°F), tipping the sheet directly into the oil. Continue cooking on both sides until the zeppola puffs up and turns golden brown.

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For the custard

  • 400 g fresh whole milk;
  • 100 g fresh liquid cream;
  • 180 g egg yolks (No. 9);
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 40 g cornstarch;
  • 2 g salt;
  • 1 peel of Amalfi Coast PGI lemon;
  • 1/3 vanilla bean from the Bourbon Islands.

For the custard, boil the milk, cream, and salt with the lemon peel and vanilla bean seeds in a small saucepan. Separately, in a large saucepan emulsify the egg yolks well with the sugar, add the cornstarch and after it is well incorporated pour in the boiling milk and cream. Mix well with a whisk and bring to a temperature of 86°C. Pour the cream quickly into a steel container and cover with clingfilm on contact to prevent the formation of pellicles. Cool the cream directly in the freezer or in a small blast chiller.

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Cake composition

Allow to cool, cut in half and stuff the bottom of the zeppole, helping yourself with a pastry bag with a curly tip, with custard and chopped black cherries. Top with the other half of the cream puffs and decorate the center with a spike of custard. Dust with powdered sugar and decorate with candied black cherries.

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Sal De Riso Pastry Shop

Via Roma, 80 -84010 Minori - Amalfi Coast

Phone: +39 089856446



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