Gennaro Esposito, chef at la Torre del Saracino, twists a typical Spanish dessert, crema catalana, enriching it with citron, licorice, walnuts and a fondue of provolone del Monaco. A bold dessert that plays on contrasts and unexpected combinations.
Cedar and licorice Catalan cream, provolone del Monaco fondue and walnuts
Ingredients for 4 people
For the licorice Catalan cream
- 500 g milk
- 500 g fresh cream
- 160 g granulated sugar
- 200 g of egg yolks
- 10 g licorice powder
- 10 g brown sugar
- 10 g candied citron
- 5 g gelatin sheets
In a bowl, pour the egg yolks, granulated sugar, and licorice powder and mix well. Separately, in a small saucepan, heat the cream until it reaches 40°. Add the cream to the previously obtained mixture and mix well. Return the mixture to the flame until it reaches 80°. Then whisk it all together, sift and incorporate the gelatin (previously soaked in cold water and squeezed well) Transfer the mixture into molds and let it rest in the refrigerator. Then unmold the Catalan cream from the molds, add a few grams of brown sugar and a few pieces of candied citron on the surface of the cream. Transfer the crema catalana under the hot grill for a few minutes, until the sugar is caramelized.
For the green apple confit
- 300 g lemon juice
- 200 g water
- 100 g granulated sugar
- 1 green apple (previously cored and cut into cubes
- 4 g agar agar
In a small saucepan, pour the lemon juice, water, granulated sugar and agar-agar. Bring the mixture over the flame until it comes to a boil and let it cool. Next, add the green apple, mix well and let it rest in the refrigerator.
For the spirulina seaweed ice cream
- 600 g milk
- 100 g granulated sugar
- 70 g dextrose
- 50 g fresh cream
- 30 g milk powder
- 5 g of spirulina algae
- 4 g ice cream neutral
- 2 vanilla pods
In a saucepan pour the milk, cream, and seeds of the vanilla pods and cook until it reaches 40°.
Separately, in a bowl pour the dextrose, sugar, milk powder, spirulina seaweed and ice cream neutral. Next, wire together the previously heated cream and milk. Mix the mixture well and return to the heat until it reaches 80°. After cooling, place the mixture in the freezer for at least 24 hours and then blend.
For the provolone del Monaco cheese fondue and walnuts
- 220 g milk
- 120 g of provolone del Monaco cheese
- 50 g fresh cream
- 50 g of walnut kernels
In a saucepan, combine the milk, cream and provolone del Monaco, previously cut into cubes, and leave to steep for at least 2 hours. Then strain the mixture and bring to the stove, over low heat. Add the provolone del Monaco previously left to infuse and cook until fondue is obtained.
Dish composition
Veil the dish with the provolone del Monaco fondue and arrange the crema catalana in the center. Decorate with slices of provolone del Monaco and walnuts. Complete the dish by joining a quenelle of spirulina seaweed ice cream, the green apple confit and serve.
Recipe taken from the website of Gennaro Esposito
Torre del Saracino
Via Torretta, 9, 80069 Vico Equense NA
Phone: 081 802 8555