First Courses

Saffron? Not just rice, make some pasta with it: Nicola Annunziata's creamy, mouthwatering recipe

copertina bottone zafferano nicola annunziata

The Emilia-Romagna region triumphs with its variety of flavors and products in this dish where fresh egg pasta becomes the casket enclosing a filling of Comacchio eel, cream of Bolognese potato, Bologna white zucchini flower chips, saffron from the hills and Adriatic mussels in different preparations.

Bottone pasta filled with eel, potatoes and saffron from the hills

For the filling

  • 360 g smoked eel
  • 150 g squacquerone cheese
  • 12 g of lemon zest
  • Fennel
  • Tarragon

In a thermomix place all ingredients, blend, sieve, then place in a sac à poche.

For the dough

  • 25o g remilled semolina
  • 250 g flour
  • 360 g fresh egg yolk
  • 3 g salt
  • 3 g extra-virgin olive oil

In a planetary mixer knead gently for a few minutes and place the dough in the refrigerator and at least half an hour. Roll out finely and form the buttons, keeping them in the refrigerator until cooked.

For the potato and saffron cream

  • Saffron to taste
  • 200 g peeled potatoes
  • Mussels to taste and their cooking water
  • Butter and herbs for seasoning
  • Pumpkin holes

Boil peeled potatoes in salted water and blend with saffron and cooking water from mussels.

Keep warm.

In a pan add mussel water, butter and herbs according to desired amounts.

Cook the bottoni in boiling water and stir in the previously prepared solution.

In a flat dish pour the hot potato sauce and lay the bottoni pasta on it.

Top with green oil and squash blossoms previously seasoned with salt and extra-virgin olive oil.



I Portici

via Indipendenza 69 40121 Bologna, Emilia-Romagna

Phone: 051 421 8562



Ristorante I Portici Teatro Eden 03

Chef Recipes

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