
Black garlic, how to use it in dessert according to chef Luca Marchini: a brilliant recipe

copertina dessert aglio nero luca marchini

Black garlic ripened in many textures and combined with coconut for a mouthwatering dessert: chef Luca Marchini's surprising idea.

Portrait of the Chef by Rolando Paolo Guerzoni

Ripened black garlic and coconut

Ingredients for 4 people

For the black garlic base

  • 1 head of fermented black garlic
  • Xantana

Cut whole black garlic in half, burn in pot, add cold water and cook. Reduce for about 30 minutes until thickened. Strain. Adjust with Xantana by whisking and straining again. Serve warm.

For the black garlic puree

Sift the black garlic used for the puree and place in piping bag.

For the black garlic

  • One clove of ripened black garlic.

Cut the black garlic into cubes of about 0.5 mm.

For the garlic and coconut puree

  • 50 g of red garlic
  • 20 g water
  • 60 g coconut puree

Blanch the red garlic cloves in the coconut puree and water. Place garlic in a vacuum with 60 g coconut puree. Cook in the rooner at 65° until you get a paste that breaks down with your hands. Blend and sieve.

For the garlic and coconut mousse

  • 80 g sifted garlic and coconut puree
  • 200 g fresh cream
  • 0.8 g iota

Add the fresh cream and iota to the puree and bring to 80°. Place in siphon with a charge.

For the coconut cream

  • 200 g coconut milk
  • 200 g coconut puree
  • 120 g sugar
  • 40 g rice flour

Heat coconut milk with sugar, add flour and bring to a boil. Blend and sift.

For the tasseled coconut cubes

  • 100 g fresh coconut
  • coconut puree for the tasseling
  • coconut milk
  • tempered white chocolate for tasseling.

Cut coconut into 0.5-cm cubes. Break down by temperature. Nap the coconut cubes with coconut puree softened with a little coconut milk. Break down and napping in white chocolate. Keep in freezer.


L'Erba del Re

Via Castelmaraldo, 45, 41121 Modena MO

Phone: 059 218188



Luca marchini Rolando Paolo Guerzoni

Chef Recipes

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