Starters Fish

Mille- Feuille? Yes, but with Cuttlefish: From Dessert to Appetizer, Gennaro Esposito’s Recipe

copertina millefoglie di seppia gennaro esposito

A savory mille- feuille inspired by cuttlefish: the light head and dark innards come together in a two-toned pastry, using the entire ingredient.

Cuttlefish and mackerel mille-feuille with celery soup and sea truffles

Ingredients for 4 People 

For the Cuttlefish

  • 500 g cuttlefish (cleaned)
  • 8 g cuttlefish ink
  • extra virgin olive oil, to taste
  • salt, to taste


Separate the cuttlefish head from the body. Julienne 80g of the cuttlefish body and season with olive oil and salt. Blend the remaining body and head separately, keeping them separated. Add a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and adjust the salt. Add 8g of cuttlefish ink to the blended cuttlefish body. Mix well. Arrange the cuttlefish body mixture between two sheets of parchment paper on a baking tray. Bake at 100°C with steam cooking for 7 minutes and cool. Repeat the same process with the cuttlefish head (simply blended). Cut squares of equal size from both mixtures.

For the mackarel

  • 100 g smoked mackarel


Arrange the mackerel on the counter and cut squares of the same size as the previous ones.

For the gazpacho

  • 135g celery
  • 80g carrots
  • 80g tomatoes
  • 65g extra virgin olive oil
  • 20g lemon pulp
  • 10 sea truffles
  • 5g sugar
  • 3 basil leaves
  • 3 walnut kernels
  • edible flowers
  • sprouts
  • salt, to taste 


Blend celery, carrots, tomatoes, basil leaves, lemon, and sea truffles with a hand blender. Gradually add extra virgin olive oil while blending. Adjust the salt and add 5g of sugar.

Plate composition

Pour about 50ml of gazpacho into a bowl. Assemble the mille- feuille by alternating mackerel, cuttlefish julienne, white cuttlefish sheet, and black cuttlefish sheet. Repeat the process. Garnish with walnut kernels along the gazpacho, edible flowers, and sprouts on the mille- feuille.

Recipe from Gennaro Esposito's website


Torre del Saracino

Via Torretta, 9, 80069 Vico Equense NA

Phone: 081 802 8555

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