Gloria Marchesoni

Legnano - Italy

Gloria Marchesoni

After studying at the hospitality institute in Trentino and gaining early experience in starred restaurants such as St. Hubertus and Villa Feltrinelli, Gloria Marchesoni honed her passion for wine between Australia and London, working in prestigious restaurants such as The Greenhouse and Five Fields and attending WSET and Master Sommelier Academy courses. Today she is the sommelier at Soul Restaurant in Legnano.

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The path she has taken has been fairly straightforward: first hospitality institure in her native Trentino, with a double qualification in gastronomy and cooking, then a few seasons on the road, an AIS diploma, experiences at Norbert Niederkofler's St. Hubertus and at Villa Feltrinelli with Stefano Baiocco, always in black uniform. To learn English, she crossed the ocean to Australia and then set her sights on London, landing at The Greenhouse.

The wine list was a veritable encyclopedia of the world; the environment was hierarchical and selective, but pregnant with stimulation. "I became more and more passionate and started doing WSET Level 3 courses and the Master Sommelier Academy, Certified level, but now I'm studying for Advanced. Then, at Five Fields, I was lucky enough to be an assistant to Mathias Camilleri, the Master Sommelier, who pushed me and to whom I owe so much. I came in the afternoons, so I was able to attend tastings in the mornings almost every day. The lessons were something she was looking forward to practicing in Italy, where she returned with Fabio in 2018. After looking around the Milanese belt a bit, they found the right place in Legnano and started Soul Restaurant.


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