Fabio Mecchina

Busto Arsizio - Italy

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Fabio Mecchina is the chef and owner of Soul Restaurant in Italy. His culinary career features a mix of international experiences and a deep passion for cooking, which led him to study at the prestigious Le Cordon Bleu in London. Mecchina is renowned for his ability to blend traditional and modern techniques, creating dishes that highlight fresh and seasonal ingredients.


Born in Italy, Fabio Mecchina began his professional journey working as a butcher and pizza maker, gradually developing an ever-growing interest in cooking. In 2012, he took a culinary arts course in Italy, after which he moved to London to further his education at Le Cordon Bleu, earning a diploma in Culinary Management in 2017.

While in London, Mecchina worked in various Michelin-starred restaurants, gaining experience and refining his culinary skills. These experiences allowed him to develop a clear and ambitious vision for his future in the restaurant industry. Upon returning to Italy, he decided to open his own restaurant, Soul, where he personally oversees all aspects, from menu creation to kitchen management and service.

Mecchina's culinary philosophy is based on the use of fresh, high-quality ingredients, with a strong focus on sustainability and seasonality. He is known for his ability to innovate while respecting Italian culinary traditions. Among his most appreciated creations are dishes that skillfully combine different flavors and techniques, offering his guests a unique and memorable culinary experience.


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