First Courses Squid

Super spaghetti with Italian clams, julienne of squid, candied lemon and tarallo powder | Viviana Varese

spaghettino viviana varese

Recipe by Viviana Varese: Super spaghetti with Italian clams, julienne of squid, candied lemon and tarallo powder

Ingredients for 4 people

For the candied lemon zest


  • 4 untreated Amalfi lemons
  • 120 g water
  • 120 g sugar


Peel lemons with a potato peeler, remove the white part completely, cut into very fine julienne, put in a saucepan with water and sugar and boil for 15 minutes.
Let cool (leftover can be kept for a month in the refrigerator in a jar)

For the spaghettini


  • 300 g fish stock
  • 600 g clams
  • 100 g gutted squid
  • 40 g EV0 oil
  • 10 g candied lemon zest
  • 80 g taralli crushed in a mortar
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • parsley to taste
  • ground black bread to taste


Sauté garlic with a little extra-virgin olive oil in a pan the size of the length of the spaghetti. Remove the garlic, put in the clams and add two ladles of fish stock. Cover with a lid.
Turn off the heat, shell the clams, remove them from the pan and keep them in the refrigerator.
Julienne the squid and refrigerate. Chop the candied lemon zest and parsley.
Bring the sauce to a boil, add the spaghetti and, with the help of tongs, move them continuously for two minutes. After the time is up, add the clams, squid, 10 g of candied lemon zest and parsley.
Continue cooking for another minute.
Turn off the heat and toss with the remaining extra virgin olive oil and a little ground black pepper.

Dish composition

Pour the spaghettini into the dish with some of the broth and finish with the tarallo powder.

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