Recipe by Massimiliano Poggi: Green Peppercorn Fillet
Ingredients for 4 people
For the Hare Saddle
- 1 hunted hare saddle
- 100 g butter
- 50 g clarified butter
- 10 g salt
For the Beetroot Purée
- 5 g gellan gum
- 3 raw beetroots
- 20 ml apple cider vinegar
- 20 ml balsamic vinegar
- 4 g salt
For the Green Peppercorn Sauce
- 300 g spinach
- 200 g nasturtium leaves
- 20 g rue
- 20 g basil
- 20 g parsley
- 3 Sichuan flowers
- 1 teaspoon white pepper
- 1 teaspoon black pepper
- 5 Timut peppercorns
For the Hare Stock
- 2 carrots
- 1 large leek
- 3 golden onions
- Half a liter of dry Marsala wine
- Half a liter of Sangiovese red wine
- 2 bay leaves
- Hare carcasses
For the Purée
Juice the beetroots and mix the juice (500 ml) with the other ingredients. Bring to a boil, then cool down. Blend the resulting gel and pass it through a fine sieve.
For the Green Peppercorn Sauce
Juice all the leaves and blend the obtained juice with all the peppercorns and the Sichuan flower. Strain through a fine sieve and thicken with one gram of xanthan gum.
For the Hare
Debone the hare and cut the loins in half. Vacuum-seal with a pat of butter and salt, then cook in a steam oven at 60°C (140°F) for 15 minutes. Cool down.
For the Stock
Clean the vegetables, slice them thinly, and stew them in a pot with a little oil until they become a paste. Toast the carcasses, then deglaze with Marsala and red wine and add the previously cooked vegetables. Cook for an hour, strain, and reduce until syrupy consistency. Whisk in the butter.
Plating the Dish
Heat a pat of clarified butter in a pan and quickly brown the hare loins on all sides. Slice lengthwise and place on the plate next to the beetroot purée. Cover the hare with the sauce and finish with a few drops of the green peppercorn sauce.