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From Local to Venice, duck becomes a gem-dish: Salvatore Sodano's recipe

copertina anatra salvatore sodano

A choice, the duck, that echoes the tradition of Veneto's hinterland, thus a way to speak of the territory while departing from the classic products of the lagoon. The pollen, on the other hand, gives the dish a light floral note and a particular texture.

DUCK, LEEK AND POLLEN: “september” recipe by chef Salvatore Sodano

For the duck

Bone a duck and divide the breasts and legs. Make a jus with the carcasses; the thighs should be processed to stuff the wontons, while the breasts should be left in the refrigerator to firm up the meat.

For the leek puree

  • 200 g leek
  • 40 g muscovado sugar
  • 25 g butter

In a nonstick skillet, roast the leeks until the outside is completely burned. Carve lengthwise and pull out the heart, which will be almost cooked. In a small saucepan melt some butter until it becomes hazelnut coloured, melt some raw sugar and add the leek flesh, letting it compost. Once cooked through, using a blender create a smooth, homogeneous puree. Adjust for salt.

For the leek chips

  • Leaves of one leek

Blanch the outer leaves of a leek in plenty of water and salt for a few seconds; cool them immediately in water and ice. Dehydrate them between 2 sheets of baking paper at 60 C overnight.

For the oxidized tuber gel

  • 150 g of tubers

Place the tubers of your choice in a vacuum cooking bag and let them oxidize in a fermentation chamber at 60 C for about 5-6 weeks. Using a blender and vegetable broth, create a smooth, homogeneous paste.

For the wontons

  • 4 thighs
  • 2 bunches of dill
  • 1 bunch of parsley
  • Garlic
  • Oil
  • 300 g 00 flour

Cook the thighs for about 24 h at 62 °C, debone and sear them on the skin side until crispy, and season them with a light green sauce made by blending dill, parsley, basil, garlic and some olive oil.

Create wonton dough with some 00 flour and warm water, about 65 percent, and a pinch of salt.

Let rest covered for about 2 hours, after which roll out the dough and create fairly thin disks.

Stuff the discs and seal them with the classic wonton closure.

For the pollen garum

  • 500 g pollen
  • 100 g koji
  • 350 g water

Using a food processor, blend all the ingredients, place the mixture in a jar with a seal and set it to mature for about 3 months at 60 °C in a fermentation chamber.

Dish composition 

Once all the elements are obtained, lightly carve the skin of the duck and over low heat begin cooking in the pan. When the skin becomes crispy, without turning the meat, finish cooking with butter and seasonings such as thyme, garlic and rosemary. Allow the meat to rest.

Meanwhile, fry the wonton.

Arrange the leek puree on the plate, lay the chips on top, and finish with the oxidized tuber gel.

Dust the wonton with dragonwell green tea; cut the duck that will have finished resting and on the cut side of the skin arrange pollen garum.

Finish with duck jus.



Salizzada dei Greci, 3303, 30122 Venice VE

Tel: 041 241 1128


LOCAL VENEZIA Salvatore Sodano 2

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