Sides Vegetables Tomatoes Truffle

How Marco Ambrosino revolutionizes tomato salad: from pop to gourmet dish

Copertina ricetta Marco Ambrosino

Marco Ambrosino gives us a completely unique composition of Mediterranean flavors: a reinterpretation of the classic tomato salad. Combinations that pay homage to tradition, enhanced by the technique and skill of a great professional.


At the restaurant Sustànza in Naples, chef Marco Ambrosino talks about his idea of the Mediterranean: not only gastronomic, but also anthropological. The 'simple' tomato salad is thus transformed into an elaborate dish. The vegetables are served raw, in red and yellow datterino, San Marzano and coppery types, fermented to obtain an oxidized juice and then reduced to a glaze (with a hint of licorice), used to season the barbecued tomatoes. Paired with it are two flavors on which the chef had been trying to match the vegetable for some time: lemon and black truffle. The citrus fruits, cooked in a broth, are extracted and allowed to macerate for 24 hours, then topped with black truffle and herb oil. Finally, a reinterpretation of skordalia - a traditional Greek preparation of potatoes and garlic - revisited with a base of 'almond ricotta, seasoned like the mother recipe: garlic, sweetened here, and lemon juice. Topping it off is a hint of nutmeg, which creates depth to the dish.

Ingredients for 4 people

For the tomatoes

  • 100 g datterini tomatoes
  • 100 g yellow tomatoes
  • 100 g San Marzano tomatoes
  • 4 auburn tomatoes
  • 1 L water
  • 40 g sugar
  • 60 g of salt
  • Salt, bay leaf, mint, basil, garlic to taste


Blanch the tomatoes in boiling salted water. Peel them and let them marinate in a brine consisting of water, sugar, salt, bay leaf, mint, basil and garlic.

For the tomato licorice

  • 1 kg cherry tomatoes
  • 20 g salt
  • Nutmeg to taste


Lacto-ferment the cherry tomatoes with salt. Puree them in the Ocoo (a double-boiling pot) for 24 hours. Extract the juice from the tomatoes. Reduce it to a glaze. Season with nutmeg.

For the truffle sauce

  • 1 L water
  • 10 g seaweed
  • 2 lemons
  • 2 oranges
  • 2 limes
  • 20 g black truffle juice
  • Salt and pasteurized egg yolk to taste


Make a light seaweed broth. Add juice and peel of lemons, oranges and limes. Macerate overnight. Strain and add black truffle juice. Adjust salt and emulsify the mixture with one pasteurized egg yolk per 400g of product.

For the almond skordalia

  • 500 g peeled almonds
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 1 lemon
  • Salt and pepper to taste


Soak peeled almonds in water overnight. Blend until smooth. Season with garlic blanched in water three times, lemon juice, salt and pepper.

For the finish

  • Greek basil and herb oil to taste


Cut the top cap off the auburn tomatoes and empty them of the inside. Brush all the tomatoes with tomato licorice and pass them quickly over the barbecue. Place the skordalia on the bottom of the auburn tomatoes. Add the other tomatoes and top with Greek basil. Place the tomatoes on the plate and finish by pouring the truffle sauce and herb oil.



Galleria Principe di Napoli XIV XVII, 80135 Naples, NA

+39 0813795766



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