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How to make lamb gourmet: Domenico Candela's 2 Michelin star recipe

copertina agnello domenico candela

Soft loin, a light bagna cauda, and burnt bell pepper sauce: this is lamb as you've never had it, which will make even those who aren't fans of the genre reconsider. Domenico Candela's perfect recipe.

Laticauda lamb with red bell pepper reduction, jalapeno, light bagna cauda of smoked sardines

Recipe for 4 people

For the lamb

  • 1400 g of lamb carré brut
  • 10 g of tandori masala
  • 10 g smoked pimenton della vera
  • Salt q,b
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • Thyme q,b

Clean and portion the lamb loin, saving the scraps that will be used for the jus.

In a second step marinate the loin with the spices and seasonings at least 12 hours in a vacuum before cooking it.

For the lamb jus

  • 400 g of lamb offcuts
  • 25 g onion
  • 20 g carrot
  • 5 g celery
  • 1 g pepper
  • 1 g coriander
  • 200 g water
  • 50 g butter
  • 5 g garlic

Brown the lamb meat and bones in a saucepan; once well browned, add the butter, degrease and add the separately roasted vegetables, and finally the water. 

Allow to cook for about 3 hours. 

When the time is up, strain it through a colander and let the sauce reduce to glace. When it has taken on its consistency, strain everything through the chinois.

For the light bagna cauda

  • 150 g milk
  • 100 g cream
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 35 g of evo oil
  • 40 g smoked sardines

Peel the garlic and remove the core, then blanch 7 times. Meanwhile, slowly sauté the sardines with the oil on the stove. Add garlic to oil and anchovies and cook for about 2 minutes; add milk and cream at the end and reduce by half.

Mix everything in a mixer and pass through a fine chinois.

For the burnt bell pepper sauce

  • 400 g burnt red bell pepper
  • 40 g of evo oil

Wash the peppers and bake them at 230 degrees in the oven for about 15 minutes (fan mode with 50 percent humidity).

When finished cooking, when they are well colored remove them from the oven and cover them with a lid to allow moisture and to make peeling the skin easier.

Saute the peppers (peel and seed-free) in a saucepan over high heat with a drizzle of oil and mix everything in a mixer on high speed; while still hot, pass through a fine chinois.

For the jalapeno sauce

  • 200 g green jalapeno bell pepper
  • 50 g of evo oil

Using gloves, clean the jalapeno peppers, remove the seeds, and rinse them several times with cold water.

Blanch the jalapenos in water and vinegar to remove excess spiciness and cool them in water and ice.

Paper-dry the jalapenos, saute the peppers in evo oil over high heat, and blend them in a mixer on high speed while still hot.

Purée everything through fine chinois to obtain a smooth cream.

To complete

  • 10 g smoked sardine
  • 4 g savory

In a pan, brown the lamb loin with butter, thyme and garlic bringing it to a core temperature of 54 degrees (the meat should have a pinkish color). On the bottom of the plate arrange the lamb jus, 5 g burnt bell pepper cream, 3 g jalapeno sauce, 3 g bagna cauda and the finely-cut anchovies; lastly, place the cooked, cleaned and portioned lamb chops.


Grand Hotel Parker's - George Restaurant Vittorio Emanuele 13580121 Napoli (Italy)

Phone: +39 081 761 2474

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