First Courses Tomatoes

Spaghetti with tomato? Yes, but with yellow datterino: Solaika Marrocco's variation

copertina spaghetto datterino giallo solaika marrocco

More round on the palate, yellow datterino replaces the classic "red sauce"-try Solaika Marrocco's recipe for an alternative version of spaghettone al pomodoro.


  • 320 g of Spaghettoni
  • 500 g yellow datterino tomatoes
  • Basil to taste
  • Dried oregano to taste
  • Extra-virgin olive oil to taste
  • Fine salt to taste
  • Water 


Cut the previously washed dates into 4, heat a drizzle of oil in a large frying pan, add the datterini and cook over a fairly high flame, stirring often. Season with a pinch of salt and hand-chopped basil leaves.

Cover the tomatoes with water and cook for about 20 minutes; occasionally mash them with a ladle. Once cooked, blend with an immersion blender.

To make the resulting sauce smoother, pass it through a sieve. The tomato skins can be spread on a baking sheet lined with baking paper.

Sift to obtain a very fine powder. At this point cook the pasta in boiling salted water for 14 minutes. In the meantime, prepare the other powder to be distributed on the final plate by putting the dried oregano leaves in the blender and detaching them from the sprigs. Sift this mixture as well and collect it in a small bowl. Drain the spaghettoni and transfer them to the same pan in which the cherry tomatoes were cooked. Add the datterini sauce.

Continue cooking the pasta with the sauce for another 2-3 minutes, adding cooking water as needed to create a nice creamy sauce. Plate into a nest and top with plenty of cream. Top with datterini peel powder and dried oregano powder.


Primo Restaurant

Via 47 Reggimento Fanteria, 7, 73100 Lecce LE

Phone: 0832 243802

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