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Snails, Swiss Chard, and Parsley Oil | Massimiliano Poggi

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Recipe by Massimiliano Poggi: Snails, Swiss Chard, and Parsley Oil

Ingredients for 4 Servings

  • 20 large snails (washed, purged in running water, and blanched)
  • 1 shallot
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 10 salted almonds
  • 100g of small Swiss chard leaves
  • 1 glass of wine
  • 2 dl meat broth
  • 50g finely minced seasoned pancetta
  • 20g breadcrumbs
  • 1 untreated lemon
  • Parsley oil
  • Malt


Sauté the shallot in a little extra virgin olive oil, add the garlic clove and let it infuse the aroma. Add the snails, deglaze with wine and broth, and gently cook until the liquids have evaporated.
Work the pancetta with the bread using a fork, to avoid warming the fat. Coat the snails with this mixture and bake in a hot oven for 5-6 minutes.
Wash and dry the Swiss chard, then quickly sauté in a pan with oil and arrange on plates. Grate a little lemon zest over the chard, then add the gratinated snails and salted almonds.
Work the malt with parsley oil until it forms a powder. Garnish the dish with this powder.

The photographs are by Niko Boi.

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