First Courses

Acquacotta? Yes, but with 2 Michelin stars: Valeria Piccini's secrets for the perfect soup

copertina acquacotta valeria piccini

A typical soup of Tuscan tradition, acquacotta becomes a great dish with the wisdom at the stove of Valeria Piccini.

Ingredients for 4 people

  • 4 medium-sized white or blond onions
  • 1 whole green celery leg (leaves and ribs)
  • 1 kg peeled tomatoes
  • 4 basil leaves
  • 50 ml extra virgin olive oil
  • 4 medium eggs
  • 50 g grated Parmigiano cheese
  • 2 g salt
  • 2 g pepper
  • 1 g pepper
  • 4 slices of stale Tuscan bread


Clean the onions and celery, chopping them finely (you can use a cutter - electric chopper).

Place the chopped vegetables in a large saucepan.

Place the mince on the stove, adding water until it is covered, then add oil, salt, chili and basil.

Simmer until the water has evaporated.

Add the tomatoes and two ladles of water, allowing to cook for about 20 minutes more.

Season with salt and break into the soup one egg at a time. The advice is to break it first on a plate-avoiding spoiling the red or allowing pieces of shell to remain in the soup-and then gently pour it into the center of the casserole dish. Cover with a lid so that the egg is poached. Three minutes of cooking time is enough.

Remove the egg with a skimmer (the perforated ladle).


Lay a slice of stale Tuscan bread in the center of the plate and sprinkle it with Parmigiano.

Pour some of the soup over it and lay the egg in the center. Then pour in the rest of the soup so that the egg is also warmed.

Chef's photo: Credits Lido Vannucchi


Da Caino Restaurant

Address: Via della Chiesa, 4, 58014 Montemerano - Manciano (GR)

Phone: 0564602817



Valeria Piccini Acquacotta 2

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