Fish Main Courses

How to Make Langoustine from George Restaurant: Recipe by Naples’ Most Awarded Gourmet Chef

copertina scampo e carota domenico candela

Top chef Domenico Candela, the first to earn a double macaron in central Naples, shares a visually and gustatorily stunning recipe: with "Langoustine and Carrots", success is guaranteed!

 Langoustine cooked unilaterally, carrots, iyokan gel, and turmeric vegetable sauce. Langoustine claw tartare seasoned with fish masala.

Recipe for 4 people

For the langoustine

  • 800 g of 0/5 Porcupine Gerli langoustine


Clean the langoustines by separating the heads, tails, and claws.

Shell the tails and open the claws to extract the raw meat.

For the carrot purée

  • 150 g of carrots
  • 9 g of purple EVO oil
  • 8 g of Champagne vinegar
  • 2 g of salt


Peel the carrots and slice them thinly. Season with the remaining ingredients and vacuum-seal in a cooking bag.

Steam at 100°C (212°F) for 1 hour and 30 minutes. Ensure the carrots are well-cooked, blend them using a Thermomix, and pass through a chinois with a larger mesh.

For the iyokan gel

  • 10 g of iyokan
  • 1 g of agar agar


Combine the iyokan juice with agar agar and adjust with salt. Heat to 82°C (180°F). Once the temperature is reached, spread the mixture on a tray. Once gelled, blend the mixture and strain.

For the carrot sauce

  • 150 g of carrot juice
  • 25 g of fresh turmeric juice
  • 15 g of grapefruit juice
  • 40 g of French butter
  • 1 g of Maldon salt


Combine the extracts, grapefruit juice, and butter in a pot. Bring to a boil and blend. Strain and adjust with salt.

Dish completion

  • 16 g of crustacean bisque
  • 4 g of mixed herbs
  • 10 g of yellow carrots
  • 10 g of purple carrots
  • 10 g of orange carrots


Cook the langoustines on one side only in a hot pan with EVO oil and a bit of butter.

When ready, plate in a deep dish with a quenelle of carrot purée, dots of iyokan gel, and turmeric sauce.


Grand Hotel Parker's - George Restaurant Vittorio Emanuele 13580121 Naples (Italy)

Restaurant Phone: +39 081 761 2474


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