
Here’s the World's rarest pineapple: the “Luxury Red Fruit”

Sveva Valeria Castegnaro
ananas rosso Fresh del monte

Fresh Del Monte’s “Designer Pineapple” is totally red.

The product

Fresh Del Monte, a global leader in the production and distribution of fresh and pre-cut fruits and vegetables, continues to amaze, this time with a Guinness World Record-worthy pineapple. Following the Precious Honeyglow (a small “single-serving” fruit) and the Pinkglow (with its surprisingly pink flesh), it’s now the turn of the Rubyglow, a pineapple with a red rind and the usual yellow flesh, but exceptionally sweet. In fact, the Rubyglow was first introduced in China in January during the Lunar New Year, but it has only been available in the US market for a few weeks.

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It can be purchased at select grocery stores or online from specialized retailers. The only obstacle to enjoying this very sweet and colorful fruit is its price. Fresh Del Monte has described Rubyglow as its “most exclusive and high-end pineapple.” It is referred to as an “ultrapremium luxury designer fruit and Melissa’s Produce sells it for a whopping $396. This exorbitantly priced pineapple is sold without its crown of leaves and comes in a “treasure chest box” that almost looks like origami.

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"This exclusive Del Monte item further solidifies our global leadership position in the pineapple market," said Fresh Del Monte CEO Mohammad Abu-Ghazaleh, as reported by Food&Wine. The Rubyglow pineapple is the result of fifteen years of research; it is grown in Costa Rica and is a cross between a traditional pineapple and a Morada pineapple.

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In the press release, the company announced that 5,000 Rubyglow pineapples will be available this year, while only 3,000 will be available next year. However, it did not disclose whether the limited number is due to a lack of seeds or a strategy to maintain the high price. "Like all Del Monte pineapples and other Fresh Del Monte products, Rubyglow pineapples adhere to sustainable practices for planting, harvesting, and transportation," the brand emphasizes.

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